Add Twitter to Facebook Page – How to Link Twitter and Facebook Account

Filed in Social Media by on June 3, 2020 0 Comments

Add Twitter to Facebook Page – How to Link Twitter and Facebook Account

Linking Facebook and Twitter is one thing we will be talking about on this post the both platform are two amazing social media platforms that are 

popularly known and trending it is a seen as a medium for users to meet and  interact all across the globe.

Once it comes to helping businesses, chats, dating, marketing and more grow online and globally the both platforms as social media has done a great work.

They have also been used widely as a medium of communication. These two social media are one of the most common social media here below is how you can link your twitter and facebook account without stress.

Add Twitter to Facebook Page

Being the most excellent social media platform Twitter and Facebook are popularly known for having changed a lot of lives from zeros to heroes.

They have gone a long way to helping ours grow globally without having to travel to a place to transact our online business while making.

In as much as you have a product, they will make you sell just with few tips, time and patience you will become a marketing guru.

As a result, some persons will want to go by linking these two accounts for a better result that could help them get more audience or visitors for contents and products as you shared on both Facebook and Twitter.

This service is free and does not cost anything to access or make use of it.

All you need do is to Facebook account and also a Twitter account then add them up if you do not have one. The guide below will help you do that…

Facebook Account New Account Create

The following instruction below is a guide to create a new Facebook account using steps, you can do that at will

  • Visit com and click the “Sign Up” button.
  • Fill in your details on the new page displayed.
  • Once you are done filling it, click the “Sign Up” button below again.
  • Now you will be asked to confirm your account by a verification code sent to you, to your Phone number or email address.
  • All you have to do now is to enter the confirmation code in the verification box and then click “Confirm”.

This is how to create a Facebook account.

Twitter Account Creation

Creating a twitter account is very easy, you just have to know the steps on how to do so, here are the steps below:

  • Go to the twitter homepage and then click on the button that says “Sign Up Now”.
  • You can begin by providing your username, date of birth, and your choice of an email account or phone number.
  • Now choose how you want to view ads. Just click on the button that says “Next”.
  • Also then click on the button that says “create account”. Verification will now be sent to your email address or phone number. Then enter the verification code once you receive it.
  • Now create a password, it will need to be at least six characters.
  • Then add your picture, at the top of the settings page, you will see a “photo” tab.
  • Click it and add a photo of yourself.
  • Now you will be given the option to import your email addresses from your Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook email accounts. It is a great way to get started in following current contacts.
  • Also complete the rest of your profile information, this is where you can provide a brief summary of your business, list your website, or more.

With that, you have created a twitter account…

Also Read; Facebook Activity Log – How to Find and Use Facebook Activity Log

How to Link Twitter Account to Facebook

Link your Twitter Account to Facebook correctly and also in order for a better result.

  • Visit the link Facebook/Twitter and tap on the link to twitter. You will be taken to a new page where you are asked to authorize Facebook to use your account. And in case you are not logged in you will be asked to enter your twitter username and password.


  • Once you do that, you will be taken to Facebook where you will have to choose what content you would love to share on. All you have to do is just to check or uncheck some of the following depending on what you would like to share such as notes, photos, status updates, events, videos, links etc.


  • Click on the save changes button

If you do that, the both of  your two accounts will be linked and you are to note that only those that are postmarked as public will show up in your feed on Twitter.

With this content, users should be able to know how to Link your Twitter Account to Facebook.

Adding Twitter to Your Company Facebook Page

Here, are the guide to be able to link up or add your company Facebook page. With the steps below you can comfortably link the account..

·  To start with, Log in to your Twitter account.

· Click the user drop-down menu in the upper-right corner and then choose Settings; the default Account Settings page appears.

· Click the Profile button on the left and then click the Post your Tweets to Facebook button. You might have to scroll down to see the Facebook section.

·  Click the Sign in to Facebook and Connect Your Accounts button; You’ll need to enter your Facebook information in order to sync the two accounts.

·   Select the my Facebook Page option to post your tweets on your Facebook Page as opposed to your personal profile; You’ll be taken to a menu listing all your Facebook Pages. Select the one you wish to add your feed to.

·   Click Save Changes ensure you save to avoid repeated process.


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