Bored Panda Art – How to Login into Bored Panda, Bored Panda Webpage

Filed in Social Media by on May 29, 2020 0 Comments

Bored Panda Art – How to Login into Bored Panda, Bored Panda Webpage

Bored Panda is an informative and also a content based site bored panda was formed in 2009 by Tom Banisauskas, a business management student at Vilnius University it is situated in Vilnius Technology Park.

Bored Panda Art

Bored Panda is a site and a place to explore attractive and visually engaging content. The platform, let developers and artists to show their work.

The platform provides breaking and recent news. The Bored Panda is well-known for its Lithuanian origins of design, art, and amazing magazines on the internet, they publish creative and humorous posts, photos, and articles in Spanish and English.

Bored Panda is a Lithuanian website that publishes articles about “lightweight and inoffensive topics”. It was founded in 2009 by Tomas Banisauskas, who was then a business administration student at Vilnius University. 

On the site, users are allowed to create and display your creativity to others. Thus, the contents of the website are generated by registered users.

Bored Panda Art

At the bored panda website you can view different art works created and designed by creative individual. you can creates stunning and extremely good art works on the things you like to create on  Vehicle Paintings, painting about your environment, dogs, you can make Adorable Comics About your daily  Life, you can make photos of thing around your house or surroundings.

Bored Panda Web page

Bored panda platform or site is linked to social networks as they publishes interactive links, which allows you to access website profiles.This improves the possibilities for interactivity. The site creates collective intelligence.  This is done through the site’s format.

The comments section allows you to communicate not only with the website visitors but also have the ability to communicate with the author of the news.

The search bar is provided for you to search for stories and pictures of your choice. Beside the search bar, you will find your notification button in the form of a bell icon. you can visit to access the site

Create Account on Bored panda

Sign up for Bored Panda using email, Facebook account or Google account register with this guide below.

  • Click on login/register on the page
  • Then click on the sign up space beside the login.
  • Then enter your full name and email.
  • Lastly, enter your password and click sign up.

With this, you have signed up for the account.

How to Login Bored Panda

below are steps for you to follow to log in to your bored panda account;

  • Visit the web page
  • Click on login/register on the main page.
  • Select any of the social media you used when creating your profile.
  • Or you input your email address and password.
  • Click on login.

How to Add Posts on Bored Panda Platform

After you have created an account, you can now use the site at will. To add a post, you click on the add post on the main page, you are taken to a page there you will need to drag and drop images. Click on browse files or videos you like once you are done selecting any picture you wait for it to load.

After then, input your post title, explain what your story is about, your image title.choose a category, add post tags, add a link after that, click on Publish. 



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