Check Google Keyword Rankings – Check Position with Keyword Rank Tracker Tool

Filed in Social Media by on March 20, 2020 0 Comments

Check Google Keyword Rankings – Check Position with Keyword Rank Tracker Tool

The most crucial factors of SEO is selecting the correct keyword via key-word search this helps one track the positions on search and make them rank as well.


it’s miles important for an SEOexpert to check for Google key-word ranking for a better target key phrases.

Getting this done require just a few minutes and few steps to apply keyword using keyword search tool you can  find which key phrases that is suitable for your post.

This gives you the chance to work on using the strongest keywords, thus increasing your chances to rank well in Google and other search engines.

In this post, we will be talking about the tools you can use to Check Google Keyword Rankings.

Google Keyword Rankings Tool


This is a professional software that proffer solution for checking the position of keywords in search engines..

In order to make use of it you will first of all sign up and start with free trial before deciding whether you want to subscribe.

SEMRush shows keyword rankings progress both in paid and organic search over time.

With the use of SEMrush, you will be able to track historical data for any competitor right from the date you started a project.

Most plans lets you import historical data from other SEO tools.

This is how SEMRush works, start a project for specific domains by analyzing their performance with different tools.

 The Position Tracking tool there, you can track your website’s ranking for target keywords.

With SEMrus, you can check the keyword that you are ranking for it help proffer solution for keyword checking.

Once you visit the webpage, enter your website URL or the individual URL of a blog posts you want check, and it will show you which keywords you are currently ranking for.

After that, you can also click on any keyword that displays to check keyword competition and other details.

In checking for the keyword you rank for, SEMrush has got your covered all you need to do is simply add your domain name in the URL field, there it will display keywords that you are currently ranking for.

How to Use SEMRush Position Tracking tool

  • Sign in to SEMRush
  • Then, select position tracking beneath rank tracking
  • After that, click on new position tracking at the top right
  • Then, enter your domain name and give it a meaningful name.
  • Afterwards, click on create project and customized the settings to your need.

That’s is how you can start adding Keywords for rank tracking.

Ways to add Keyword on SEMRush

There are different ways you can add keywords, Use either of these method below to and get it don.

  • Connect your search console and pull up the keywords from there
  • Manually enter the keywords
  • Track the top Keywords that SEMRush has already discovered for your domain name

You can also set it to send you weekly notifications of ranking changes. If you are offering SEO services to your client, this feature could save you a ton of time.

Best Keyword Ranking Tool


Moz Rank Tracker with Moz, you can tracks your website’s keywords performance and also the overall visibility in search engine results over time.

As a subscriber, you can schedule periodic as well as event-based alerts. Also get to export PDF or CSV reports covering search rankings, links, site crawl data, and even the competition at ease.

To make reports more informative, you can drag-and-drop charts and graphs with your own notes.

Reports can go out automatically to clients at any frequency you specify.


AccuRanker has an intuitive interface and is easy to utilize. With AccuRanker, you can track keyword ranking in Google search.

AccuRanker is popular as Yandex keyword monitoring as it have an option for Yandex and Bing search just a click will make you

Check keyword ranking in target country and one of the Accuranker key features of the keyword position checker tool, is been able to check ranking focusing on your target area. 

Once you add a new keyword then you are to set the target location more than one location if need be.


Ahrefs is another cool tools you can utilize for checking Google keyword rankings.

Ahrefs, its an accurate, location-specific ranking tool. With Ahrefs, all you can import a list of keywords, and then, add country-specification to ease keyword.

Once that is done, Ahrefs starts tracking, and send you regular updates. You’ll see your full ranking history on a handy graph.

To receive an automated rankings report via email set it up with Ahrefs.

Google Rank Checker

This is a good free online rank checker which enables its users track keyword positioning in Google search engine.

If you want to make use of these tool, type keyword you want to search and it will display to you the position of that very keyword in Google.


SEOprofiler this is a complete website promotion tool that includes a feature for checking Google keyword rankings.

Adding keywords requires a simple clicks. The Monitor will check all the pages, including the sub-domains, and provide detailed keyword rankings and visibility reports.

Also, it creates keyword groups automatically and allows you to add as many tags as you like to your keywords.

For you to get detailed information on any keyword, click the keyword in the ‘All keywords’ page and it will be shown to you.

With all that has been shown you can use this tools mention to track Google position rank, use better keyphrase and as well rank better on Google

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