Create Facebook Notes-Comprehensive Guide on How to Generate a New Facebook Notes

Filed in Social Media by on August 14, 2018 0 Comments

Create Facebook Notes-Comprehensive Guide …The facebook notes attribute is the oldest of its kind till date. It’s has been useful for users to post long-lasting content that doesn’t fit into simple status update and as well look right.

Create Facebook Notes-Comprehensive Guide – How to Fecilitate  Facebook Notes on Your Profile

Facebook notes can be enabled and it is very easy and simple to enable. To do this, you must sign up to facebook if you do not have facebook account. But if you do, sign in facebook and

  • go to your profile pageCreate Facebook Notes
  • click the more option which is shown in the horizontal menu located under the header photo
  • once that is done, click on Manage Section via the dropdown menu
  • Drag down list of options that comes up also ensure the notes is checked off then any time you tap more, you will see Notes options which will aid you manage or create new notes just with a simple click.

Create Facebook Notes: How to Generate a New Facebook Note

Follow the simple guide below and get this done without stress

  • Click + Add Note once you do it, an editor will pop out over your profile. Here, you can use it to write note, format as well add options photo
  • Then an options pops out where you will choose a huge header photo for your note
  • Tap to add a photo or upload a new FB photo
  • Also enter in the title field the note

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  • Enter in the content field a write up or copy content from another and paste it on your note. When you click to put your cursor in the main content area of the note (so the cursor is flashing), you should see a couple of icons pop up to the left of it.

Here, you can utilize diverse options to format your text so that it’s showing as Heading 1, Heading 2, bulleted, numbered, quoted or simplified plain text.

Thus, if you highlight either of your text, you are to see a tiny menu that enable make a fast bold, italic, mono or hyperlinked.  A photo icon is also located alongside the list icon which may decide to click to add pictures any where you desire to on your note.

How to Publish Facebook Note

While working on a long note, you can choose to save in your Facebook Notes so as to get back to it without having published it. Here, you can click the Save button at the bottom of the editor.

As a result, if you finally are set to publish your note, ensure there is a right  visibility setting which can be done by the use of privacy options in the dropdown menu located at  the Save/Publish buttons.

You can then publish it publicly, also make it private only for you, and make it accessible just for your friends to see or use a custom option.

When it have been published, the people that are in your limits of your visibility setting are the see what you published in your their own news field which they can interact by leaving a comment

Create Facebook Notes Guide to Manage Your Facebook Notes

You can actually access and manage your notes using the More tab so long as the feature is enabled if you were tagged In a friends note and was publish switch to the Notes about  tab you to see the note.

For you to edit or delete any of your existing notes follow this below

  • First, click on the title of the note
  • Then go to the Edit buttonin the top right corner.
  • Once that is done, you can den decide to make changes and update your note’s content,
  • Finally, change the privacy settings on it, you can also even delete it just by clicking the Delete button located at the bottom page

Thanks for Reading…

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