Create Google Account – Guide to Create a New Google Account

Filed in Social Media by on August 13, 2018 0 Comments

Create Google Account…Google is a web service provider that helps its users to search for any type of information online. if you are new to online or creating online account you are in the right place as you because this write up is basically for you.

As you read through you will get those vital information that will aid you to create a new and free google account. Do visit for more info on how to create online account.

Create Google Account – Guide to Create a New Google Account 

In order to generate a free new gmail account, follow the simple guide below.  You will first of all need to create a Google account which you can use the password and username to sign in Gmail account.

google services include google hangout, google+, and Gmail etc

  • Click on your browser
  • secondly, visit Google account set up
  • In addition, enter your first and last name
  • Also, choose your desired username which will end @gmail,com if the name chosen has been used, e.g. instance if the name has been used you be asked to change or options will be displayed for you to select from
  • furthermore, Proceed to enter password for your gmail account under create your password
  • Once that is done, confirm the password type your birthday and gender
  • Type in your phone number
  • Type in your current email address or alternate email for verification which is used by google to protect your privacy and for recovering of password
  • Select a location if you are a Nigerian, select Nigeria
  • Click continue once completed correctly, your account will be opened

Comprehensive Guide on How to Make Use of Gmail Account

To utilize your gmail account is very simple and easy

  • Click the compose botten
  • Secondly, type your receivers and subject, and the content of the message email
  • And send the message it is that simple
  • To attach a file, click on attach file or insert from a drive once its displayed select the fill and it will be attached.
  • To sign out, click on profile icon to open your account screen
  • Lastly, log out

Hope this was helpful, thanks for your time.

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