Creators World – Become a Creator Today – Guideline

Filed in Social Media by on May 23, 2019 0 Comments

Creators World – Become a Creator Today –  creators world is an organization powered by the mandate of recruiting, enlisting and galvanizing all classes of people; the leaders and the led, the rich and the poor,creators world

the aged and the youth and all men and women of goodwill to the patriotic project of propagating desired change in all spheres and sectors of society.

As a result, creator’s world is designed to bring to minimum the prevalent issues of hunger, poverty.

Here, Creators World is principally focused at eradicating poverty, hunger, mass illiteracy, unemployment, crime, suicide, and other political,

Creators World – Become a Creator Today – Guideline

socio-economic and moral vices prevalent in every nation of the world via the teaching of sound life’s principles, as well as establishing positive moral values, business values, systems and structures for national development.

Creators World is also committed to establishing a LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION dedicated to setting a PRECEDENT, raising a STANDARD, and,

producing a MODEL of excellence in personal, community, national and international leadership based on creative success values.

As a member of creators world, you are entitled to participate in our online and offline lectures/seminar, be a idea developer, an investor, a lecturer and as well showcase and sell your product on our platform e.t.c

Objectives of Creators World

The objectives of CW shall among others include the following;

  • To refashion and foster a global leadership that will be anchored on

character, ideas, vision, dreams, charismatic enthusiasm, patriotism

For service and sacrifice of oneself for the good of all.

  • To teach, train and empower the youths for self-reliance through

creative entrepreneurship and practical financial education.

  • To teach people how to transform their ideas into marketable


  • To help individuals develop the inert ability within each.
  • To build a society founded on potential discovery, success principles

and values.

  • To restore and entrench love, creativity, service and sacrifice as the

real defining essence of leadership.

  • To raise a platform of discussion, interaction and exchange of ideas

among people for the advancement of national development.

  • To inaugurate, convoke, galvanize, train, develop and energize the

youths as the future rallying point of tomorrow’s leadership and

bastions of the present global leadership.

  • To teach present and future leaders that character backed up with

competence and excellence among other virtues are essential criteria

for leadership success.

  • To help people become visionary and successful by teaching

them the underlying principles of success in any sphere of life they


  • To create system that can allow individuals work together on a

particular business venture.

  • To help individuals raise their finance towards business start-

ups and expansion.

  • To enable people access in-depth knowledge on the six major

spheres of societal influence.

How do I Register?

How do I Register for Creators World?

To register for creators’ world is easy, all you need to do is:

  • Visit
  • Once displayed, Click in the register, at right side of the creators world site a box will display under the sign up,
  • Fill in the first part of the form which includes your details e.g full name, Phone number, Email Address. Once you are done,
  • Click on select bank, copy the bank name and account number
  • Click on the box that shows the terms and conditions
  • Then click the green large botton that shows PROCEED
  • Once that is done, proceed to the bank for payment of fifty (50) creators pounds.

Note: 50 creators pound equivalent to USD is $14, EURO is €12.5,

  • After payment, Go back to the site click ACTIVATE ACCOUNT
  • Type your email address
  • Click on complete registration

How Does Creators World School System Run?

The school runs for four years and the goal is to turn ordinary members to co-owners within four years.

for more information visit the official site:

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