Duolingo French – Duolingo Free Way to Learn French, Create Account Now

Filed in REVIEWS by on June 17, 2020 0 Comments

Duolingo French – Duolingo Free Way to Learn French, Create Account Now

Some persons often desire to learn all languages. On a second taught, is it really possible for one to know or understand all languages?


What is your opinion on that? But to me, I don’t really have a say on that because I know some persons are guru when it comes to different expertise.

We all have our gift and skills right!!! and we know what and where we are good at.

Learning different languages to most people could be one of your greatest achievements.

If you are starting out or you are already on the journey to learning different languages, Duolingo is a perfect place to journey to as it can help you in terms of languages.

Duolingo French Review

Duolingo French help you to learn French on the Duolingo language learning website.

The platform is well known and most used when it comes to learning languages, and it provides more than twenty three languages. You can imagine…

All languages learnt on this site are free of charge regardless your capacity or if you are a beginner or an advanced learner you’ve got all levels to help suit your learning skills.

Though, it has a premium service which attracts a fee. But you could choose to use the free service only if you want to.

On the platform, you have access to different languages on including the French language.

You can learn French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Polish, English, German, Russian, Irish, Welsh, Norwegian, Dutch, Hebrew, Esperanto, Ukrainian, Hungarian, and Greek.

Right on the platform, you can actually practice your writing, reading, listening, and reading skills.

Also Read; Duolingo Profile – Duolingo, How to Create your Duolingo profile

Duolingo French Mobile App Download

If you want to learn Duolingo French, the app can just help you get started.

The language learning platform has got its mobile app version, that let you to easily access and learns from as it teaches you several different languages making the lessons, fun and simple.

This app is compatible with both Android and IOS phones. With these devices, you can be able to download for easy access. Downloading the app will require you to do the following…Go to play store.

  • using search bar on the play store page, type in and search for Duolingo.
  •  If seen, click on it and Download or Install into your device.

Once the download of the app is done, launch the app and get into your Duolingo account to get started.

But if you are yet to create an account, use the following instructions below to get one aready.

Duolingo French Account Set Up

Since you will need an account to start making use of the app right away here is what to do.

  • On the page, tap on get Started.
  • You have to choose the language you want to learn.
  • Set up your daily goal and Continue.
  • Choose your method of profile creation and get your account.

If you followed the steps correctly, by now you should have your account.. you can login using this guide.

Duolingo Login

If you want to access your account to manage your account, you can use the guide below to get that done.

  • Visit the Duolingo site on duolingo.com.
  • On the right side of the page, tap on LOGIN.
  • Enter your Email or Username.
  • Type in your Password.
  • Click on login.

Using these guide, you can also log in to your account through the Duolingo app on your mobile device.

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