Facebook Account Profile – How to turn messaging on or off for my Page
Facebook Account Profile – How to turn messaging on or off for my Page
If you do not have an account on facebook, there probably no way you can know what facebook profile is.

If you do not understand what a profile on facebook is, then you need this article you need to read this article to get out the important facts about Fb profile.
Facebook Account Profile
Once you have an account on facebook, and you do not understand what profile on facebook is, here is what you need to know.
A Facebook profile is a place on the Facebook social media platform where you information are share about yourself.
Information shared on this place may range from your hometown, current city, videos and photos, interests and so much more.
A Facebook page on the other hand is a place where businesses, brands, artists, public figures, organizations, and anything related to the listed names connect with their audience, fans, clients, and customers.
Users on Facebook can like a page and immediately they do that they start receiving updates from that page on their news feeds.
How to Gain Access on Facebook Profile
If you have a facebook account it means you have a profile with that, accessing your Facebook profile will not be difficult and it can easily be done. To access profile on Facebook,
- Log in to your Facebook account.
- Click or tap your profile picture at the top of your Facebook account page.
Once its done, you will immediately be taken to your profile. If you haven’t sign up on facebook, this wont work… So, you will have to sign up to access.
How to Turn on messaging on or off for my Page
You’ll need to be an admin to turn messaging on or off for your Page. If you’re an admin:
- Click Settings at the top of your Page.
- From General, click Messages.
- Click to check or uncheck the box next to Allow people to contact my Page privately by showing the Message button.
- Click Save Changes.
When messaging is on, a moderator, editor or admin can send a private message from the Page to anyone who’s sent the Page a message.
Private messages can also be used to respond to comments on a Page’s post.
Keep in mind that Pages can’t send messages to other Pages or to people who have blocked the Page.
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