Facebook Advertising platform-Advertising on Facebook, FB ads Format

Filed in Social Media by on April 23, 2020 0 Comments

 Facebook Advertising platform-Advertising on Facebook, FB ads Format

Facebook platform is embedded with different feature which are all designed to suite the need of user all over the world.

Facebook Advertising platform

Since we all have different wants and needs and as far as social media is concerned, facebook is always making the social media life very easy to deal with.

The features include but not limited to messenger chat,  face book advert, facebook gaming and more.

As a result, business owners online often seek for a good platform to advertise their products, Facebook advertising platform is essential when it comes to online advert.

Since facebook have so many active users, an advertiser can reach their ideal audience for them to sell and as well create awareness for their product.

Thus, the advertising platform is a very good one at such and it is easy to utilize there are various Ad objectives that is created to serve you once you have the right objective and goal you will excel in it.

In the advertising process, you are to pay for your product to get to the sight of your customers both existing and potential.

Once it comes to advertizing on facebook, there are things you will need to put into consideration. This brings us to the types of ads format on FB.

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Different Types of Ads Format

The ads formats are of different types that you can choose and make use of on Facebook while carrying out your advert.

Photo Ads

They are simple but also effective. It is a great way to start with Facebook advertising; it can easily be created with just a click.

Instant Experience

This is a full screen experience that opens after someone taps your ad on a mobile device.

Create an Instant Experience to visually highlight your brand, products or services

Video Ads

With the video ads format, get to show the product or make use of video for the advert.

Messenger Ads

You can make use of photo, carousel, video and dynamic ads to set up to appear Messenger Ad.

Carousel Ads

The carousel ads help you showcase up to 10 images or videos in a single ad, each with its own link.

Collection Ads

This showcases the products that the audience or customers can click to purchase.

Lead Ads

Lead Ads are specially created for the audience to give out their contact information without much typing.

Dynamic Ads

This enable you promote a targeted product to the specified consumers.

Advertising on Facebook

A user who tries to advertise on the platform can really reach so many users or customers for the brand or product to be known.

In order to create your advert on Facebook follow this steps,

  • Log in on your Business Manager, hit on Campaigns button.
  • After that hit “Create” to get started with the new Facebook Campaign.

Then follow the steps below to create facebook ads

  • Choose your objective for the Ads campaign and the, give a campaign name.
  • After that, set up an Ad account
  • Target the Audience you want to reach with the Ad campaign.
  • Then, select Campaign placements and set up the budget you want for the ad and the Schedule.
  • Create the Ad with any of the ad formats you want to use.

Once all is done rightly the ad will then, be under review once done, your product would go live for others’ to view

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