Facebook Business Resource Hub-Facebook for Business Connecting Business to Facebook Group

Filed in Social Media by on April 16, 2020 0 Comments

Facebook Business Resource Hub-Facebook for Business Connecting Business to Facebook Group

Facebook have a feature called business resource hub if  you are aware of the Facebook business resource hub that is so great but if are not, we will be elaborating more on on what it entails.

Facebook Business Resource Hub

Facebook Business Resource Hub

This is a feature of the Facebook social media platform that have been  provided to makes the platform productive as it help its user grow their business online. 

Just by hearing the name it simple denotes that the platform is solely meant for business on the Facebook platform.

These part of Facebook was created as a Business Resource Hub to support businesses that are being directly, indirectly affected by the outbreak of the pandemic.

The   Business Resource Hub makes you effectively manage your business .

With the platform you get unrestricted access to rich resources for you to effectively manage your business that is to say, you will get information and

rich resources to help you manage your business more effectively will be gotten when you go to the platform.

With the present situation in the world, facebook still have a way of making his users never regret having an account with them they alwways have

their way of making the internet world easy for users. Thereby thinking of ways to help users around the globe grow their business for more resources.

As it is rightly said!!! No man is an island…facebook created this feature knowing too well that with the recent pandemic spreading globally, that a whole lot of businesses and companies have been affected

This makes it very difficult in terms of management. Thus, with Facebook business resource hub, information and resources to help you  business grow and expand through this pandemic and always.

More so, as small and large business owner, there are lots of things you can gain in using Business Resource Hub.

Some of the tools you can use or learn how to use on this hub are those that can help you get connected with the outside world.

The tools on this hub will also help keep your employees safe and at the same time productive while working from home.

You can also find tools on this platform to help you find local candidates for free to help keep your business booming.

How to Connect Small Businesses in Facebook Group

For you to make your business known to groups in the period, you need to connect to other people so you can also share ideas them on how to prepare for uncertainties.

You can easily join these groups on the Facebook platform for free. To join a Facebook group and see other businesses like yours, follow the steps below;

·  Login in Facebook account, on the page, click on the ‘groups’ tab at the left side.

·  Then on the facebook page click on the ‘search’ tab and enter the name of the group you want to join.

· After all,  click on the group you want to join from the search results.

·  Next,click on the ‘join’ tab.

·  Choose if you want to join as a page or a personal profile.

Once you have joined your request needs to be viewed and accepted by the admin immediately that is done, you are good to go…

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Facebook for Business

Facebook has always been a platform that is made for a whole lot of positive things other than chatting, and making friend it is also an excellent way of promoting your business.

The promotion can be achieved through Facebook for business. here is how to go about Facebook for business. first and foremost, you are to;

Create your Facebook Business Page

in order to create a page;

  • Visit facebook.com/pages/create. to start with, you need to login to Facebook personal account, but your personal information will not appear on your new business page.
  • Then select your page type: Business/brand or Community/public figure
  • Next enter your business details.

the second on the list is to:

Add brand images

At this juncture, you need to upload your profile and cover photos and ensure you optimum image sizes for Facebook.

After which you will;

Complete your Page Info

To complete your page info, click on the Edit Page Info then fill in the following

  • Description: these describes who you are and what you do.
  • Contact information: these are ways or contacts that people can reach you with like; website
  • Extra options: for this part you can add your operating hours, price range, and also privacy policy if its vital to your business.

Create your Facebook username

Creating a username is for easy access it enable people locate you easily on Facebook. Click Create Page @Username to make one.

In choosing or creating a username,Choose a search-friendly Page name but you can use brand name if you have one already or make use of a consistent username across social networks.

Next is to;

Add a call-to-action button

A call-to-action button offers people a quick and easy way to reach out to you, shop for your products,

Better still, engage with your business. Click Add a Button under your cover photo to set one up.

After that you will finally;

Review your Facebook Page settings

Your Facebook Page settings give you custom control on people that sees page.

Also get to understand the privacy and security settings in particular. And that’s all about the Facebook business page set up…

Note; Facebook Business Hub resource features was designed to aid small businesses stay connected with their customers…

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