Facebook Buy and Sell Groups – How to Buy and Sell Groups on Facebook

Filed in REVIEWS by on July 25, 2020 0 Comments

Facebook Buy and Sell Groups – How to Buy and Sell Groups on Facebook

On facebook platform, there are so many a feature that is made available for users to make use of.


The platform is not just created for movies, chatting, gaming, as a matter of facts, on facebook, you can get to sell your products and create more awareness for your product.

On facebook, you are very much allowed to use the features of buy and sell , but to achieve that, you will need the buy and sell the group which can be done by

creating a Buy and Sell Group or better still join already existing group and sell your product is vital if you need more sales online.

This is a very essential tool that can be very much utilized by user for a greater achievement.

The Buy and Sell Groups is an excellent method of marketing and showcasing your business online for people to possible view and buy your product.

Facebook Buy And Sell Groups

These are groups on facebook created for the purpose of marketing and selling of goods on the platform, you will get all that you need.

The buy and sell group, is one every business person should create or have this is good if you want to increase sales.

For you to access to the platform and sell your product or even create a buy and sell account, you will need a facebook account to get started.

Facebook Buy And Sell

With Facebook your business will be moved to higher level because your products will be accessed by different person and not just people from your end.

There, you will find loyal customers that would like use your product and also recommend other that is if your product is worth it. As a result, the product you are selling should be visible and be of value.

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There on the platform, users gets to open buy and sell groups which is totally not the same with the normal group we know but with little difference.

There on the buy and sell group you can; List items or products for sale, Mark items as sold and Search for items you’d like to buy.

On the regular Facebook groups, you won’t be able to do the above. 

Facebook Buy and Sell Groups are for marketing and purchasing items, however, there are some items that are not allowed there.

Restricted Product you are not Allowed to Sell

on groups, you are not allowed to sell non physical products, Event tickets, unmatched image description, Animals, healthcare products, Alcohol,

a lot and more products are not allowed to be sold on the platform, and you can learn more using this link.

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Facebook Buy And Sell Online

If Once you have a facebook account you can log in by entering your email address or number and password on the displayed form.

You can log in using the app or using Facebook’s official URL www.facebook.com. You can also create an account using the link.

Once your account is logged in, you have to create a group or simply join the ones that are already there to sell.

You can create a group using this link if you dont want to create a group, you can find for buy and sell groups once seen click on the join.

How to Make Use of Buy And Sell Group on Facebook to Sell?

To sell a product on facebook using the buy and sell group, can be done using this guide below

  • Once you are logged in, from your News Feed, hit on Groups and select the buy and sell group.
  • Click on “Sell Something” or “What are you Selling”.
  • Type in the information about the item you’re selling and hit on “Next” and then, choose your audience.
  • Enter information about the items you’re selling and hit on “Post”.

There, your products list on the group to viewers. In order to purchase or buy them search for the product you want to buy and message the seller.

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