Facebook Dating Profile – Facebook Dating Set Up, FB Account Creation

Filed in Social Media by on May 18, 2020 1 Comment

Facebook Dating Profile – Facebook Dating Set Up, FB Account Creation

Facebook dating profile is just like an account which can be used to identify you on the dating platform the profile is what users use to date on Facebook that shows you own an account.

Facebook Dating

Having an account on Facebook have you connects with a lot of people across the world, which makes them meet online from all parts of the world.

The dating profile can also be seen as a service on Facebook that recommends potential matches focusing on Facebook activity users who opt on and choose to create a dating profile.

Facebook Dating

The Facebook dating is really not available in every country only some countries can access the feature.

To know if your country is available on the profile, you will see a dating notification at the top of the Facebook

homepage or a heart icon at the top of your Facebook profile.

When you click these links you will be directed to where you can date on Facebook.

FB Dating Profile

The pass mark to creating a Facebook dating profile is to first create an account that could give you room to to have a dating account.

It simple means that the dating feature is connected to Facebook they work in hand, although they are different profiles that you must create.

Also, you must be up to 18 years and above, below 18 cannot access this feature, make sure to have your Facebook app too, dating is only found on Facebook app.

Creating a Facebook Account

If you haven’t created a Facebook account and you want to create one then you should follow all the steps below for guidance:

  • You will be directed to where you can create your Facebook account.
  • Fill in details about yourself on the new page displayed.
  • Then click the “Sign Up” button below again.
  • Now you will be asked to confirm your account by a verification code sent to you, to your Phone number or email address.
  • All you have to do now is to enter the confirmation code in the verification box and then click “Confirm”.

And its done.

Also Read; How to Set up a Business Facebook Page – Create a Business Page to Promote your Business

How to Set Up Dating Profile

In order to create dating profile there are steps that you will need to put into consideration. here are some of what you can do to start with;

  • Through the Facebook app and login or access your Facebook account and click the displayed dating notice or the heart icon.
  • Now you will be directed to another page on Facebook.
  • On this page, you must then select your gender and also confirm your location.
  • There will be some 12 tiles been displayed and each of these 12 tiles is either a question or an answer to one of the dating questions.
  • Now you have to make sure the tiles are in order or in place because it is a great way for your match to know you better.
  • Once you are done with that then select or upload a photo, a nice photo of yourself.
  • Now all you have to do is to be able to specify your match in the dating settings.

If successfully done, you now own an account.

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  1. Kim James says:

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