Facebook Dating Site – How to Install Facebook Dating App Free, Facebook Online Dating

Filed in Social Media by on May 12, 2020 0 Comments

Facebook Dating Site – How to Install Facebook Dating App Free, Facebook Online Dating

Facebook as a platform did not make available any dating app for facebook dating.

Facebook Dating Site

There is no specific dating app or site that is developed specially for its Facebook online dating. Thus, the official app and site is also referred to as the dating app.

Once you want to start Facebook dating and you want to get the app, the Facebook official app dating feature is always available for use.

You can very much download the official app and you will find the dating feature on the platform as it offers users access to date on the platform.

Facebook Dating Site

To go to the Facebook Dating Site visit the official page. Installing the Facebook app is totally possible but getting access to the platform can be done on the platform.

But before you can do that, you will first of all have to sign up for an account as registration is free and does not cost a thing though you are to have internet connection.

Facebook account sign up is just for people who are yet to own an account there is no need to create another one if are already a user. What you should do is to sign in to your already existing account.

Also Read; How to Sell in Facebook Marketplace – Internet Market, Facebook Online Store

Install Facebook App

Downloading and installing of this app on your device is free but you will need a data connection and also a storage space on your device for you to successfully complete both the downloading and installation of the app.

How to Access Facebook Dating via App

The dating feature is located on the Facebook official platform. Thus, the feature is yet to be available worldwide.

To access this feature, kindly, locate a heart icon in the timeline or profile section of your account and tap on it.

Thereafter, you will be prompted to set up a dating profile. Once the dating feature is available in your country, the heart icon would be visible.

How Can You Install Facebook Dating App Free

Kindly, follow the steps below and install Facebook app fro free

Now launch the Google Play Store or Apple App Store depending on the device you are suing.

The Apple App Store is for iOS users and the Google Play Store is for Android users.

search for “Facebook”.

then, from search results, tap on the platform official app and tap on it.

Now tap on the “Install” or get the button to begin the download process.

Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the download and installation process of the app.

How to Install Facebook Messenger App

Install the facebook messenger app using this guide;

Launch your preferred app store on your device and make use of the search bar and search for the Facebook messenger app or type in

term “Facebook Messenger” into the search field and tapping on the search button.

If the messenger app pops out, simply tap on it and then on the “Install” button.

If followed carefully and correctly you will successfully download and install the Facebook messenger app on your device.

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