Facebook Group Member Request Setting – Send a Facebook Group Request

Filed in Social Media by on May 15, 2020 0 Comments

Facebook Group Member Request Setting – Send a Facebook Group Request

If you are forward to join a Facebook groups, there are alot of groups that are created for some specific reason and if you have interest to join, some

Facebook Group Member Request Setting

groups require a Facebook Group Request just to be part of  their group on the Facebook platform. 

Alot of individuals are already members to some group on Facebook, if am right, that means you must have  used that “Join” button.

For most of these groups on Facebook, not all the group’s can easily be joined and accessed automatically. 

On FB, most of these groups,  that Facebook Group Request request are sent, The group admin will need to either approve or decline your request. Once your request has been reviewed by the group admin,

they get to approve or decline the request. However, in most cases, you get to be accepted to the group. After being accepted, you are then able to

participate in the group activities, interact with others, share and receive ideas, and engage in much more.

Facebook Group Request

Facebook group is meant to be a group created for a particular purpose together with people of the same interest.

It could be for fun, study, business, profession, and more. All you have to do is find a group of your choice and send your request.

  • Go to your Facebook account.
  •  From the left side of your newsfeed or through your menu button, click on Groups.
  • Using the search bar at the top of the page, type in and search for a keyword related to the kind of group you want.
  • Go through the list of groups and select your choice.
  •  Click on the group and tap on Join Group.

Once the request is sent, privacy settings of the group. For some groups, you have to wait for the admin to review your request. And in other cases, you immediately become a member.

How to Create Facebook Account with Mobile Number

Creating an account with a mobile number is simple and free. here is how to get it done

Facebook Account On Computer;

  • Enter your first name, last name, mobile number, password, date of birth, and gender.
  • Then click on “Sign Up”.

To finish the process, you need to confirm the mobile number. An SMS with a code will be sent to the number

Facebook Group Request Cancel Group Request

if you want to cancel your friend request, you can follow these simple guideline to guide that done that is if you weren’t accepted to join the group

·   Type in the name of the group in the search bar and search for it.

·   At the top of the page, you will find a tab “Request Sent”.

·   Hover your cursor over that tab and click on “Cancel Request”.

·   Click on the “X” button to confirm the cancellation.

You will receive a message that you have canceled the request on the group.

Facebook Group Member Request Settings

If you have got a group, you can also set up your group settings. You may also want the Facebook Group Request system for your group. It is easy to do this.

·   Go to your Facebook group.

·   On the top-right side of the group homepage, tap on the three vertical dots.

·   Click on Manage Group.

·   Select Member Request.

From here, you will find options to set up the member request for your group. Save the settings. That’s how it works.

Also Read; Download Facebook App for Free – Facebook Login, Facebook Account by Mobile Number

Group Member Request Setting on Facebook

This is how to set up a Facebook group member setting;

  • Login to your account from your group, click “…” button and “Manage Group”. Click “Member Requests” on the menu on the left side. Then click the setting button.

Once it pops up, on the pop-up window, you can; Prioritize Requests or Add questions

  • Set priority to sort through pending members; At this point, you can set up 3 priorities place they’ve lived, work and education to see if your pending member’s profile info matches the criteria you add.

Choose the priority you want to set up. Enter keywords and choose from the list the criteria. You can add several criteria for the same priority.

  • Add criteria; you can added the criteria for the place, for “Work” and “Education” in the same way. Once you finish, don’t forget to click “Save”.
  • Sort through pending members by priority; once you are done setting up the priorities, you can sort your pending members by priority to see all the members whose profile info matches the criteria you added.
  • Add questions for your pending members; You can also ask pending members questions to learn more about them. They’ll have up to 1 000 characters to answer each one, and only admins and moderators will see the answers.
  • Add a question; Click “Add a question” and write your question. When you finish, don’t forget to click “Save”. You can modify, add or delete your question(s) anytime.
  • How pending members answer your questions; Once you added question(s), your pending members will receive a notification. They can come to your group to answer your questions.

After answering the questions, pending members can come back to edit their answers.

  • Sort through pending members by answered questions and view their answer(s). You can also ask pending members to answer your questions.

Note: not every group can set up priority or add question(s) for pending members.

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