Facebook Market place – How to Use Facebook marketplace

Filed in Social Media by on February 25, 2020 0 Comments

Facebook Market place – How to Use Facebook marketplace

One of the fabulous platform to market your business is Facebook. In Facebook small business can be grown by displaying or advertising their


products on Facebook in other to reach out to a huge number of people on Facebook platform and interested parties will get to know about their products.

 both the high and less technical people can use the Facebook app because it is a user-friendly platform

This article will be teach you all you need to know about the Facebook market and how best you can manage and grow your business on Facebook.

Facebook is a social networking platform where buying and selling can be done by the use of pictures and video clip, interacting with people from far and wide,

having your own friend lists, doing video to showcase your product,  joining different groups that will enhance advertisement 

but it should be groups where the same interest are shared. This can be done using the Facebook market place app.

To achieve that, you must first generate an account on facebook.

Signup for Facebook Account

In order to be fit to sell or showcase your product on the facebook platform you must have an account and a page.

This can be done easily by signing up your Facebook account using the website www.facebook.com or download the app using play store.

Following steps are to be taken:

·  fill in your surname, first name. Then your email address or your mobile number and then create a password.

·  your date of birth should be selected and indicate your gender 

·  Then the “Sign up” tab should be clicked.

Also Read; How to Sell in Facebook Marketplace – Internet Market, Facebook Online Store

A verification mail will be sent to your email, and it should be confirmed  by tapping on the link forwarded to you.

How to Login to Facebook

If you already have an account on Facebook then you can log in using your information  on the website  www.facebook.com  following the instructions below

·  Fill in your mobile number or email address and password on the sign-in page.

·  Then tap on “Log in”.

If the details are correct then you are good for the next step

Facebook Business Page

Here is the final stage which is creating your own page on the Facebook platform which is there vital thing in making waves for your product and

these is a place where people can Know about your product And this will be helpful in order for people to access or find your business.

The following steps are needed

·  Open your Facebook account and tap on the drop-down icon on the upper right side and click “Create the page”.

·  Fill in the following information about your business including your page name, the page category, your addresses and also your cell phone number.

·  your profile picture and cover photo of the business should be added

·   select what you want to be displayed on your page.

·  You can add collaborations if the page is teamwork.

·  Then share your first post with  on the page and then invite friends to visit your page.

And then your page is set

How to Use Facebook Marketplace

Facebook marketplace is a great digital market for buying and selling goods and services on the platform.

The marketplace has different categories of items that can be sold online. Vehicles, clothing & accessories, etc can all be sold on the app.

Selling is free. All you need is to make a post on the item you wish to sell.To sell an item, open the marketplace app and hit on “Sell something”.

Then tap on “Item for sale”. Include a title, location, price and also the category the item falls into.

Add images of the product and a brief description. Then hit on “Post when you’re done to make it public.

Interested buyers would contact you via message or call if your contact is provided.

If you find an item you wish to buy the marketplace, hit on it. You can send a custom message or ask for the availability of the item.

The seller would respond with the appropriate answer.

Facebook Marketplace Contact Number

The buyers and sellers can communicate through Messenger or exchange their contact phone numbers.

here, the two parties have to agree on the mode of payment and shipping without any help of the platform.

Nevertheless, many people find it quite safe as they get access to each other’s profiles.

Facebook Market – Countries Where Facebook Marketplace is available

Marketplace is available to most people 18 and older in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia,

Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Dominican Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,

Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal,

Puerto Rico, Romania, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States and Uruguay.

Facebook MarketPlace App

Marketplace is available in the Facebook app and on desktops and tablets You can use Marketplace on, Android and iPad with the help of the Facebook app or on your desktop.

Facebook Marketplace How to sell

1. Once you logon to your facebook platform on your homescreen, locate the Marketplace option in the menu running down the left side of your screen and click on it. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/ .

2. Viewing the Marketplace screen, click on the blue “+Sell Something” button on the left-hand side of your screen, just above the Location box.

Clicking on this button will launch a pop-up window allowing you to click on what you’re trying to sell: an item, a vehicle, or a home for sale or rent.

3. Click on the blue box over the words “Item for Sale.” From there, you will be taken to a screen where you can list what you’re selling, the price you’re

asking for it, what category the item belongs in, and any other relevant info potential buyers should know.

Note that you will also need to upload at least one photograph of your item in order to be able to list it for sale.

4. Once you’ve entered all the relevant details for your item, click “Next” in the bottom right corner of the pop-up window.

You will be asked to confirm which groups you would like your item to be posted in.

Marketplace will automatically be selected and greyed out, meaning you cannot deselect it.

Thus, if this item would be vital for sale in any other groups you’re a member of, you can choose to cross-post the item by clicking the little circle on the right side of said group.

5. When you’ve selected which additional groups, if any, you’d like your item to be for sale in, click “Post” and your item will be put up for sale.

Any one who needs to purchase will reach you.

Thanks for Reading…

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