Facebook Notifications – Turn off All FB Notification

Filed in Social Media by on August 9, 2020 0 Comments

Facebook Notifications – How to Turn off All FB Notification

If you want to know how you can Turn Off Facebook Notifications on Facebook, keep reading this post to get the gist.


On finishing this article, you should have answers to facebook notification turn off and how you can do that yourself.

So long as you are making use of facebook, you should be familiar with the FB notification. To those who don’t know about the notifications.

Keep reading as to know what it entails. If you are among the users who don’t want to hear the notification sound, because of its disturbance then, this post is for you.

Since you have an account with facebook, you have the right to access and manage your account activities; There is more information to get when you continue to read this article.

Facebook Notifications

Facebook notifications are updates about your activities or other activities on the Facebook platform. 

You can get alerts or notifications about something new that has taken place on Facebook.

It might be that it is a friend’s or user’s birthday on Facebook. Or maybe someone just uploads a new photo on the Facebook platform, maybe a user tanged you in a photo that has been uploaded.

Now there are many things you can get notified about, but there are some users who don’t like it that much.

Also, there are some who love it, to make this article lovely and impartial I am going to show you how you can manage your notifications settings.

How to Turn off Birthday Notifications on Facebook

You can turn off birthday notifications as Facebook has made everything very easy for users on the platform.

 You can control what you want to see or even watch on Facebook it all depends on you. With this you can also control what you want to be notified about, this includes the birthday notifications.

You can decide to get notifications of people’s birthday, to wish them a happy birthday. But if you don’t want to then you can decide to turn it off, how is this possible? Keep on reading and you will find out.

How to Turn Off Email Notifications

Is actually possible to turn off the email notifications on Facebook then it is possible. You can also turn off the email notifications you get from Facebook, and you will never get them again. 

All you have to do is to access the Facebook notification settings and then locate where the email notification is and then turn it off, well I am going to show you how to do this step by step, just keep reading.

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Turn Off All Notifications

One can disable or turn off some notifications you don’t want to be getting on Facebook. But that notification button will be always there on Facebook and you will be getting notifications, although not the ones you don’t want to receive.

You can turn off getting a notification on your phone or email just like I have stated above earlier, very easy.

Notifications Settings on Facebook Platform

Facebook notification settings are what you need when you want to control what you get notified about. 

Once you can locate your Facebook notification settings then you can manage your Facebook notifications and how you get them.

This enables you to get access to your notifications and how you can manage them.

You can decide to turn off your notifications messages from reaching your mobile phone or email address. But you cannot turn it off from your Facebook account, but control what you want.

How to Turn Off Notifications on Facebook

Follow the guideline below to turn on notification settings on facebook at ease

Turn Off Notifications on Facebook Using New Facebook:

  • First login to your Facebook account.
  • Then click in the top right of Facebook.
  • Also, select Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  • Now click Notifications on the left.
  • Then click to adjust how you get notifications and what you get notified about.

Turn Off Notifications on Facebook Classic Facebook:

  • Login to your Facebook account.
  • Then click at the top-right corner and select Settings.
  • Also, click Notifications on the left.
  • Then click to adjust how you get notifications and what you get notified about.

With that you have successfully turned off notification on facebook…

Hope this was Helpful, Thanks for Reading….

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