Facebook Reminder – How to Set Reminders With Facebook Messenger

Filed in Social Media by on July 13, 2018 2 Comments

Facebook Reminder – How to Set Reminders With Facebook Messenger

The facebook messenger is very useful as you can  use it to set reminders    the reminder feature

Facebook Reminder

lets you to set an event reminder which is then sent automatically to all members of a particular group.

Facebook Reminder

Facebook reminder acts as an essential service tool for setting reminders.

This feature can come in handy at times because it can concurrently send out reminder to everyone who is involved in an event.

As we rid on, you will get to know how to mark your chat as Unread, and also how to set up a facebook reminder as well delete it

How to Create Facebook Reminder

  • Click to open the Facebook Messenger
  • Choose the conversation for which the reminder is to be created
  • Click the icon at the top-right of the conversation to gain access to the chat settings.
  • iPhone users can simply tap their names at the top of the screen to view the chat settings
  • Set the “Date and Time” of the reminder in the pop-up window,
  • Click OK to create it
  • Click the “Reminder’s date” to proceed to the detail view of the reminder
  • In the detail view screen, you are enabled to set the name and the location of the event if you desire
  • Once the condition of the event is met an automated message to the conversation to will be sent to remind people.

How to Delete Facebook Reminder

You may wish to remove reminders, you can use notification setting to opt out

  • Firstly, log into your Facebook account
  • Also click the “Account” link.
  • In addition, click on “Account Settings” from the drop-down list that pops up.
  • Click “Notifications” from the menu on the left side of the page. The “.Notifications Settings” page pops up go to the “All Notifications” section of the page.
  • A list of all notifications types pops up, each with a checkbox next to it. Notifications you are subscribed to will have a check in the box, either under the “Email” or the mobile column
  • Tap the checked box close to each notification type you wish to remove.

How to Mark your Facebook Message as Unread

This depends on where you accessed the message this could be via mobile FB app or computer device the guide below can assist you to mark your messages as UNREAD

Marking your Facebook Message as Unread via Website

  • Firstly, open Facebook on your laptop computer
  • Secondly, tap the Messages icon in the top right corner of your screen this displays the messages received recently from friends.
  • To the right of each person’s name, just beneath the date of the message, is a small circle. Click the small circle to mark the thread unread. If you don’t see the message thread you are looking for, click See All in Messenger at the bottom of the screen that lists your recent messages.
  • Click on any message thread to display a gear.
  • Finally, choose Mark as Unread its done

Guideline  on How to Download Facebook Data

  •  Open Facebook on browser and log in with your email id and password.
  • Click on Settings (last option on the header menu).
  • By default, you will be landed on General page, where you can see General Account Settings with a few options below. Below these options, you can see a sort of instruction: Download a copy of your Facebook data.
  • Click on Download a copy  you are now on the page of Download your information.
  • Click on Start My Archive.

A dialog box will appear on the screen asking you Request My Download.

Please note that this procedure will take some time as it will gather your photos, wall posts, messages, and other information. You will be asked to verify your identity in order to help protect the security of your account.

  • Now click on Start My Archive.

Here, a dialog box will appear on the screen for final confirmation.

  • Click OK.

Hope this was helpful, thanks for your time….

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  1. Christabella says:

    Nice One

  2. Kenneth Molnoskey says:

    Why do I keep getting the same facebook reminder for October 1 and I can’t delete them

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