Facebook Shortcut Bar – How to Personalize Your Facebook Shortcut Bar

Filed in Social Media by on May 5, 2020 0 Comments

Facebook Shortcut Bar – How to Personalize Your Facebook Shortcut Bar ,Shortcut Bar Settings

If you are seeking for means to personalize your Facebook shortcut bar, and you also

Facebook Shortcut Bar

often experience the disturbing notification dots in your Facebook homepage.

I have some easy tips for you Facebook has a tool on the platform that enables you to customize shortcuts.

This feature is a good one, as it offers you calmness on the type of notifications you receive.

Facebook Shortcut Bar

facebook shortcut bar is a feature that has been made available on the mobile app that permits its users to turn off notifications for the majority of the icons they don’t need.

Thus, it consists of the facebook market icon. However personalizing your fb shortcut bar is sincerely simple and speedy.

Here, the tool not only let you flip off notification dots but you could additionally remove the icons you do not want on your home display screen.

Facebook shortcut bar is made to be accessible by all, though, it’s most effective on mobile applications.

The tool is highly reachable to all users who do not desire to be suffering with the notifications from some icons on Facebook.

Turning the notification dots off the icons doesn’t suggest you can’t be able to use them; in order to make use of it, just tap on it.

 it just makes the red notification dot disappear. Once you are making use of ios and android you are already benefiting from it.

Facebook Shortcut Bar – How to Personalize Your Facebook Shortcut Bar ,Shortcut Bar Settings.

Also Read; Facebook Instant Messenger – What you Need to Know About Facebook Messenger

Facebook shortcut bar is a feature on the social platform that enable users to turn off notifications dots form some icons.

It serves as a tool that helps you to remove the icons from your profile home screen.

This feature is pretty easy to utilize and can be done through tapping and holding on the shortcuts in the account navigation bar.

In doing that, it clears your account navigation bar thereby giving you peace on the notification pops.

At the early stage of use, the feature automatically select the icons based on your usages but that doesn’t mean you don’t have control.

Let see how to download the Facebook app on your Android or iOS device as we proceed.

Facebook App Download

Downloading facebook  app provides better and faster navigation options. Here’s how you can install Facebook on your smartphone

  • Open your smartphone App Store and use the search to locate Facebook.
  • Then load the information page and tap on “Install”.

Make sure its the latest veersion once the app is installed on your device, you can personalize the shortcut bar on your home screen.

Follow thee step to login,to start with;

Facebook Sign In

To login, open the app on your smart device and tap on “Login”. Then fill in your username (email ID or Phone number) and password. Tap on “Login”

to proceed. Once the account as been loaded, you can personalize your navigation bar to the way you want.

How to Change Shortcut Bar on Facebook

Facebook’s shortcut bar personalization is really quick and simple. Once you launch the app

on your Android or iOS device, a menu of shortcuts such as events or groups would be shown.

there you can change the shortcuts by personalizing them with the steps below;

You can change and personalize these shortcuts, and also turn off notifications dots.

Personalizing your shortcut bar

  • Make open the Facebook app on your device.
  • Thereafter tap on your shortcut bar and select Settings & Privacy
  • Also tap Settings and select Shortcut Bar below Shortcuts.
  • Lastly, tap next to the shortcut to toggle it on or off.

Turning off shortcut notification dots

  • Make open the Facebook app with your device.
  • There tap and also hold on a shortcut on the shortcut bar.
  • Finally, tap Turn off notification dots, or Remove from shortcut bar to remove it.

Essential Note: You can’t remove the Notifications or Home icons from the shortcut bar.

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