Facebook Tagging – How to Turn on on Facebook tag review, Essential Guide

Filed in Social Media by on April 26, 2020 0 Comments

Facebook Tagging – How to Turn on on Facebook tag review Essential Guide

Facebook tagging is a feature that links a page, person or place to something you posted

Facebook Tagging

such as an update, post or app activity on person profile allowing it to be seen on their timeline. 

Facebook Tagging

Facebook Tagging is a feature on facebook platform that often give a friends or a page notice anytime a post is published on something that concerns

them it enable them to know that they were tagged particularly mentioned in your post

Thus, the the person you tagged can easily view your post, page and comment on the activity she has been tagged on.

Here, whenever a person tags your personal profile which is also known as your timeline.

You have the right to approve this tag allowing if you will be tagged or not.

Using the simple guideline below you will know how to turn on your tag review in your privacy settings to often approve a tag.

Mind you, you can approve or ignore the tag request by going to the post. See how to enable tagging.

Facebook Tagging – How to Turn on on Facebook tag review Essential Guide

Users are advised to follow the instructions below to get the desired result

Also Read; Facebook Status Download-How to Download Facebook Video via App

Turn on tag review for New Facebook

  • Visit facebook.com and then, login and click  in the top right.
  • Next, select Settings & Privacy
  • Click Timeline and Tagging at the left column
  • Search for setting Review tags people add to your own posts before the tags appear on Facebook? and click Edit to the far right.
  • Select Enabled from the dropdown menu.

Turn on tag review for New Facebook Classic

  • Click  at the top right of Facebook and select Settings.
  • Then, click Timeline and Tagging at the left column,
  • After that, search for the setting Review tags people add to your own posts before the tags appear on Facebook? and click Edit to the far right.
  • Finally, select Enabled from the dropdown menu.

Once the tag review is enabled, you’ll get a notification anytime you have a post to review.

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