Facebook Weather Update – Get Weather Updates on Facebook, FB Weather Report

Filed in Social Media by on July 26, 2020 0 Comments

Facebook Weather Update – Get Weather Updates on Facebook, FB Weather Report

If you are not informed or don’t know much about Facebook, you will be of the taught that the platform is just for the purpose of socializing by staying in touch with both old and new friends and also family.

It is important to know that there are a lot find on Facebook than just chatting. This post is focused on one of Facebook features which is Facebook

weather if you want to be getting update and do not know how to go about it, with the Facebook weather updates that will be solved, in as much as you have a account on Facebook.

Facebook Weather Update

Facebook weather updates can be goten for free one you are signed into facebook, you will see a place where you can get steady, regular, and real-time updates concerning the weather.

you should also note that some prominent and popular weather platforms, apps, and channels make use of the platform in getting through to their customers and clients.

You can search for these apps and platforms n Facebook and then follow them up. Some of these platforms even have their own apps developed on Facebook and from the Facebook platform, you can make use of these apps.

How To Get Weather Updates Via The Facebook Weather Feature

For you to get real-time updates on the weather via Facebook you will have sign in to your Facebook account if done use the steps here;

  • Visit  facebook.com then on the page the left column, scroll down and click on the weather button or icon.
  • On the Facebook weather page where you will be redirected to, enter a location on the location box and hit on the search icon.

If done, you will be provided with weather updates based on the search keyword you’v entered.

Read More: Facebook Messenger App | How to Download Facebook Messenger App

How to Create Facebook Account

You can create an account on Facebook to be able to get weather updates on Facebook. Create free Facebook account using the guided steps below

  • Enter the required information in the fields provided. These are your name, date of birth, gender, mobile phone number, email address

Those are the steps you will need to take for your new account to be created immediately.

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