Family conflict resolution – How to Resolve Conflict

Filed in Education by on October 22, 2018 0 Comments

Family conflict resolution – How to Resolve Conflict … Inasmuch as we see and interact with people everyday, conflict is inevitable, conflict is bound to occur in our different families, but how we tend to handle them matters a lot. The question is, how do you see and handle your family conflict? We all know that family is a group of people related by blood.Family conflict resolution - How to Resolve Conflict

Thus, its normal for conflict to arise between husband and wife,father and children, mother and children, between the children. Also note that without conflict, there will be no peace,progress,development and respect in the family.

A lot of people see conflict as a bad thing while some see it as positive way of achievingĀ  Better results. Conflict is a determinant to growth and peaceful co_existence in the family.

Family conflict resolution – How to Resolve ConflictFamily conflict resolution - How to Resolve Conflict

Essential Tips on conflict resolution

The simple tips below could aid you in conflict resolution

  • Be hard on the problem
  • Bite your tongue
  • Listen well before passing out your judgment
  • Always use the word “I AM SORRY”
  • Be easy to talk to
  • Start the discipline on time
  • Try not to be hard on your family
  • Don’t blame any body for the conflict.

Be hard on the problem: stop throwing stones in arguments.using blame shame or guilt to get your spouse or children will be less effective, it is not necessary that a third party must be involved before you solve the conflict. Be hard enough to know the cause (s)of the conflict.

Bite your tongue: think before you respond,those few seconds you hold your tongue before responding will go a long way to save you from trouble, be slow to speak and when speaking, do that reasonably. Remember also that it takes two to have argument, it must be resolved between the two parties effectively.

Listen well: conflict in the family may arise between the children, in such situation, you must pay rapt attention to the children involved, pass your judgment, chastise ,pamper and also tell them the negative effect of conflict. In the case of husband and wife ,the third party should listen and pass a Fair judgement and also educate them on the evil of conflict.

Always use the word “AM SORRY”: the word is the most difficult word to say,but ones’ it is said,no matter the gravity of the conflict, it will be put to check. Always say am sorry whenever you are wrong and learn to accept correction when it is given to you.

Family conflict resolution – How to Resolve Conflict

Be easy to talk to: so many marriages have fallen apart because of the fact that spouses are afraid of talking to each other.some wives cannot control their rage when they are being talked to,the same is applicable to some husbands, learn to control your anger and take corrections.

Start the discipline on time: Start disciplining your children from a very tender age,some children refuses to accept correction from the parents because they didn’t start the discipline on time. Try not to be hard on them Learn notĀ  to blame any body.

Conflict is of two types: traceable and intractable it can be resolved, it is traceable, if it can not be resolved and must be managed, it is intractable then must learn to tolerate your family in order for you to live long. don’t blame anybody, mind how you talk, discipline your children on time, judge wisely while resolving conflict, by so doing your family will be the envy of other families.

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