Free Dating Site on Facebook Near Me – Facebook Dating For Singles

Filed in Social Media by on August 6, 2020 0 Comments

Free Dating Site on Facebook Near Me – Facebook Dating For Singles

This post is about facebook dating being a social media platform, facebook is used by users to date through the  dating groups and pages.


Since online has been the best place to find date and love, they are a whole lot of platform that is basically developed for that perpose. But dating on facebook is a feature on its own but it is not a standalone app.

This is a site that can be used to find love or dates around your location or vicinity. Keep reading for full details.

Free Dating Site on Facebook Near Me

To be able to use this platform, all you will need is the dating app which is the facebook app you can sign up on facebook if you are yet to do so.

Facebook dating as a feature, allows users to date online for free with no cost at all with that you can freely and secure find love.

The app or service comes with lots of benefits and also features that make it more fun to use. The dating app is a whole new world of dating.

But before you can access it you must be a Facebook user, very mandatory. If you are not a Facebook user then you cannot make use of the dating app.

Notice: The dating app cannot be downloaded. But can be accessed through the Facebook app. It is not a standalone app, that is why it cannot be downloaded, but you can make use of it through the Facebook app.

The best thing, download the updated version of the Facebook app, then you are good to go. The device that can make use of the dating app is Android and IOS devices.

Read More; Facebook Notifications – Turn off All FB Notification

Facebook Dating For Singles

Facebook dating app gives you access to find dates within your area but you can only have access to the dating site when you already have an account.

This Facebook dating profile is different from the Facebook account, but you must have a Facebook account to create a Facebook dating profile. If you don’t have a Facebook account then read below to create one:

  • Go to the Facebook website
  • Then click the sign-up button, you will be taken to another page.
  • On this page, you will enter information about yourself.
  • When you are done click the sign-up button again below.
  • Now you will have to verify your Facebook account with the codes sent to you.
  • Once you enter this code or digits then you must click verify or confirm.

When you follow all these steps then you have created a Facebook account successfully.

Dating App On Facebook For Singles

Now if you want to create the dating profile then you must follow all the procedures below for directions:

  • First of all, open the Facebook app.
  • Now sign in to your Facebook account.
  • Then tap on the menu icon or three lines and tap on see more.
  • Also, tap on the dating notification or the heart icon.
  • Now fill in your gender.
  • Then confirm your location.
  • Now arrange in order the 12-profile tile which is either a photo or an answer to one of the dating questions.
  • Also, select a dating photo to make your profile look unique.
  • You can now date on using the dating app.

Then specify your match in the dating settings on your account.

Thanks For Reading…..

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