GitHub for Desktop – GitHub Login, What is GitHub

Filed in REVIEWS by on August 4, 2020 0 Comments

GitHub for Desktop – GitHub Login, What is GitHub

GitHub is a platform for programmers and software developers. GitHub, Inc. is a United States-based global company that provides hosting for

software development and version control using Git. It has been a subsidiary of Microsoft since 2018.

It offers the distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git, plus its own features. Wikipedia

To most persons it is seen as a social media tool for code sharing and publishing the platform is also seen as a social platform for programmers to use.

What is GitHub?

The GitHub is a code-sharing platform that is important for version control and collaboration which enable collaborators work together from any part of the world.

Included in Github is what is known as Git and it is meant to be the heart of operations at GitHub.

From the open source to business, you will get to host and review code, manage projects, and build software revisions of projects mainly used for codes you can manage any other type of files like word documents and also final cut projects.

Once a programmer makes a change to a file stored on the platform, the changes are made directly storage space where your projects are kept.

GitHub is a development platform inspired by the way you work. From open source to business, you can host and review code, manage projects, and build software alongside 50 million developers.

This platform is a command-line tool it provides a web-based graphical interface and access control and other collaboration benefits.

How to Sign Up on GitHub?

Creating an account is the first way to sign up once it comes to making use a a site you don’t have an account with start making use of it. Creating an account on GitHub is easy and requires the steps below;

  • Go to
  • Click on the sign-up button at the top right corner of the GitHub page.
  • You will be redirected to the account registration page where you will be required to create a username and password and provide your email address.
  • Next, you will be required to verify your account by solving a puzzle. To verify your account, click on the verify button.
  • After verifying your account, click on the create account button.

GitHub is a free tool to use but accessing other features will need you to subscribe to it by choosing a plan.

GitHub Login – How to Login on Your GitHub Account?

Once you know how to sign up and register for an account, the next thing that will ring on your mind will be how you can access and manage your account online.

If you are a programmer and software developers that have created an account already you can sign into access the features on the platform, using the guided steps below

Logging in to your account in GitHub is free and easy and it shouldn’t consume any more of your time. To login to your account on GitHub, follow the steps below;

  • Go to GitHub on your device.
  • Click on the sign-in tab at the top right corner of the GitHub page.
  • Enter your username or email address and password in the login field and click on the sign-in button.

GitHub desktop

In the menu bar, use the GitHub Desktop drop-down menu, then click Preferences. In the Preferences window, select Accounts. To the right of “GitHub,” click Sign In. In the Sign in pane, click Sign in using your browser.

GitHub GitHub Tutorial

The tutorial is meant to teach you how to do a lot with the tutorial, you don’t need know how to code, install Git, or use the command line.These method below will help you understand more and below are the steps;

Create A Repository

A repository is used in organizing a single project and they can contain images, videos, folders, and files, and just about anything a project needs. To create a new repository;

  • Log in to your GitHub account.
  • In the top right corner, close to your profile icon, click on the ‘add or plus’ icon.
  • Select a new repository.
  • Give your new repository a name (hello-world) and write a short description about it.
  • Next, select the initialize this repository with a README.
  • Lastly, click on create repository.

Create Branch

Branches serve as experiments in making edits before adding them to the main branch. Normally when you create a branch off the main, it simply means that you are making a copy at the point in time. To create a new branch;

  • Go to the new repository you created, hello-world.
  • At the top of the file list that says branch: main, click on the drop-down icon.
  • In the new branch text box, enter a branch name.
  • Click on the create branch button or box.

Make And Commit Changes

Now to make edits, you need to read this next step carefully. Saved changes on GitHub are called commits and each commit on this platform has an associated commit message. This message is a description of why a particular change was made. To make and commit changes;

  • Click on the README.MD file.
  • To edit, click on the edit or pencil icon at the top right corner of the file page.
  • Write a short description of yourself in the editor.
  • Next, write a commit changes explaining the changes that you made.
  • Lastly, click on the commit changes button.

Now you have made changes to your README file on your readme edits branch. This action will differentiate this branch from the main branch.

Open A Pull Request

Here is how to go about the pull request

  • Click on the pull request tab or button from the pull request page.
  • Next, click on the new pull request button which is green in color.
  • Select the branch you made in the examples comparisons box to compare with main.
  • Cross-check the changes in the differences on the compare page to see if they are intact.
  • Click on the green Create pull request button when you are done scrutinizing the changes you made.
  • Enter a title for your pull request and add a brief description of your changes.

once you are done with your message, click on the create pull request button.

Merge Your Pull Request

At this stage, you bringing your changes together, in other words, merging your README edits branch to the main branch. To do this;

  • Click on the Merge pull request button which is green in color to merge the changes you have made into main.
  • Click on the confirm merge button.

You can now proceed to delete the branch since you have now successfully incorporated your changes. 

The delete branch button is purple in color. With the completion of this tutorial, you have just learned how to create a project and also make a pull request on GitHub.

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