Google Chromebook – How to Modify File Download Settings
Google Chromebook – How to Modify File Download Settings on Your Chromebook
Normally every file that you download on your chromebook is stored in your folder which a suitable and aptly named location for the task, some persons will choose to save the files using other means like external device.

In this piece of write up, we will talk about how to set a new default download location and how to instruct chrome to prompt you for a location whenever you begin a file download. This write up is basically for Google Chrome operating system Users.
How to set Default Download Location
If you have open your chrome Brower click on the chrome menu button displayed using three horizontal lines and seen at the upper right hand corner of your browser. Once it appears click setting

Here, the Settings interface can be accessed using Chrome’s taskbar menu, located in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. Chrome OS’s Settings interface should now show.
If it is done, scroll to the bottom and click on the Show advanced settings link. Again, scroll on till you get to see the Downloads section.
There you will notice that the download location is now set to the Downloads folder. For you to change value,
You will have to click on the Change button there a window will display prompting, you then choose a new folder location for your file downloads. After you have selected it,
Click on the Open button. You should now be returned to the previous screen, with a new Download location value displayed.
Toggle Chrome Setting
For the fact that you can set default download location, Chrome OS gives an opportunity to toggle settings on or off through their accompanying check boxes.
- Once you want to download, ask where to save each file before doing so: Once enabled, Chrome will prompt you to choose a new download location each time a file is downloaded using the browser.
- Disconnect Google Drive account: You may have noticed that you have the ability to download files directly to your Google Drive, seen in the cloud. If you sign into your Chromebook, you are automatically connected to your personal drive.
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