Google Docs Download – How to Upload Word Documents to Google Docs – Details

Filed in Social Media by on October 11, 2018 0 Comments

Google Docs Download …Google docs is one easy way to edit Microsoft word files on line. As soon as the word document is on Google docs, you could study through the file, make adjustments to it, and share it with others via your Google account.Google Docs Download

As a result, files that are obtained from Google docs may be used from a computer via the Google docs website, as well as through the Android app or iOS app.

Google Docs Download- How to Send Word Documents to Google Docs

Google Docs remains an element of Google Drive, for you to utilize Word documents on Google Docs, google drive have to receive them i.e you are to upload this files. to do this,

  • Open Google Drive and then click it and log in to your Google account.
  • Click New.
  • Click File upload.
  • For folder upload, click Folder upload to upload a folder containing different documents.

Once you are through with the guide above, then Google Drive have received your documents, you which you can in turn use as backup purposes as well share with others.

Thus, for you to edit the Word document online with Google Docs, you will definitely be required to convert it to a format Google Docs can be familiar with. To do this,

  • Make open  Google Docs.
  • Then click a Word document you want to edit with Google Docs.
  • Once you are done opening, click edit as google docs once its been clicked on, the document will be converted to a format Google Docs can use. The original Word document is still saved in your Google Drive account but any time you edit this document on Google Docs, it’s the converted one that gets changed.

Google Docs Download – Guide to Download Edited Google Docs File

Downloading a file from Google Docs, its done via editing page.

  • Go to Google Docs and choose the document you want to download. The document opens to the page where its possible to edits.

file extensions enables you dictate Google Docs files and which are still Microsoft Word files. Google Docs files do not have a file extension, so if there’s a .DOCX or .DOC suffix after the file name, then that file is yet to be converted to the Google Docs format that is to say, it’s actually not the file you edited on Google Docs.

  • Go to File Download as and choose a file format you can decide to can pick from formats like DOCX, ODT,  RTF, PDF, e.t.c
  • Then choose a folder where you want to save files.


Hope this was helpful, thanks for  your time….


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