Hangouts Video Call – Hangouts Chat – Start a Video Call On Hang

Filed in Social Media by on August 14, 2018 0 Comments

Hangouts Video Call – Hangouts Chat – Start a Video Call On Hangout

With hangout video calling app, you can get to interact with friends and loved ones through chatting,

Hangouts Video Calling App

this can be made possible by video calling, it also help you engage in a  personal chat with individuals and even group.

hangout video calling is very essential for conference video call for both personal and group.

Here, hangout enable its users gain access to new emoji voice and video chat below is the features of hangout video calling and more with these, you can understand better what hangouts really consists of.

How to Utilize Hangouts video calls on your Device

Having gone through the first, second and third paragraph of my write up I believe you can now know what we are trying to explain in hangout video calling.

Thus, if you want to get started on hangout video calling, follow the steps

Start a video call

  • Select a person from the Hangouts list or search for their name or email address. When you find the person you want, click their name. You can also check multiple people to start a group video call.
  • Click Video call
  • When you’re done, click End call Call end icon.

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Features of Hangouts Video Call

The features of hangouts video calling give you a better sense of knowing and understanding how hangout video calling really functions. They include

  • Add Google Apps: it opens the Hangouts app store
  • Invite People: helps you add participants
  • Chat: This opens a sidebar that enables you to chat with other participants
  • ScreenshareEnables you share your screen, with options to display a specific window, full desktop or certain app
  • Capture: Capture a Screen shot of the Hangouts
  • Mute Microphone: here, you can mute your Microphone
  • Turn Camera Off: This help to your camera off
  • Limit Bandwidth: Enables you manually control your video quality so you can adjust bandwidth usage
  • YouTube: You can watch YouTube Videos with other hangouts participants
  • Google Drive: Use Hangouts app to collaborate on existing Google Docs or begin a new one.
  • Google Effects: Users, can use the Hangouts app to enable the other participant to control your computer remotely (with permission )
  • Settings:  you open settings for the camera, microphone, and speakers
  • Live Call: Exits user from a video call
  • Google Hangouts Room URL: Unique URL for your current Hangout
  • Help, Keyboard Shortcuts and Send Feedback: Tap here for links or quick references to each

Hope this was helpful, thanks for your time.

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