How to Duplicate iPod Music to Your Mac – see Details

Filed in Social Media by on October 15, 2018 0 Comments

How to Duplicate iPod Music to Your Mac… we know there are numerous reasons why you may need to duplicate music from your iPod to your Mac.How to Duplicate iPod Music to Your Mac

If you have a problem of data loss in Mac, your iPod may make hold the copy  of your best tunes. Thus, if you  purchase a brand new Mac, you will need an easy method  to install your music.

To get to this, you will need An iPod that contains your music, Mac with OS X Lion or later, Mac with iTunes 10.6.1 or later, An iPod USB/syncing cable.

In this piece of write up, you will get to know the following, How to Duplicate iPod Music to Your Mac, How to stop Automatic iPod Syncing With iTunes, How to Transfer Purchased Music.. etc

How to stop Automatic iPod Syncing With iTunes

Apple tries to make syncing your iPod and the iTunes tune on your Mac as easy as viable by means of automatically maintaining your iTunes library and your iPod in sync. this is generally an awesome thing.

Here, you are looking forward to stop automatic syncing this is to the fact that if your iTunes music library is empty, or missing a particular music, it is feasible that if you permit your iPod and your iTunes library to sync, the method will eliminate the songs which can be missing from your Mac from your iPod. The guide below, aid you avoid the risk.

Turn iTunes Automatic Syncing Off

  • Ensure iPod is NOT connected to your Mac.
  • Launch iTunes.
  • From the iTunes menu, select iTunes, Preferences.
  • In iTunes Preferences window that opens, tap on the Devices icon at the top right-hand side of the window.
  • Place a check mark in the “Prevent iPods, iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically” box.
  • Click the OK button.

How to Duplicate iPod Music to Your Mac – Transfer iTunes Purchases From Your iPod

Your iPod probably contains music you have purchased from the iTunes Store as well as tunes you have acquired from other sources, such as CDs you’ve ripped or songs you purchased from other sources.

If you purchased all of your music from the iTunes Store, use this step to automatically transfer purchases from your iPod to your Mac.

If your music comes from a variety of sources, use the manual transfer method outlined in the next step instead.

How to Transfer Purchased Music

  • Ensure iTunes isn’t running.
  • Ensure your iPod isn’t connected to your Mac.
  • Hold down the option and command (Apple/cloverleaf) keys and plug your iPod into your Mac.
  • iTunes will launch and display a dialog box telling you that it’s running in Safe Mode. Once you see the dialog box, you can release the option and command keys.
  • Tap the Continue button in the dialog box.
  • A new dialog box will appear, giving you the option to either “Transfer Purchases” or “Erase and Sync.” Do NOT click the Erase and Sync button; this will cause all of the data on your iPod to be erased.
  • Then click the Transfer Purchases button.
  • If iTunes finds any purchased music that your iTunes library is not authorized to play, you will be asked to Authorize it. This happens if you have songs on your iPod that came from a shared iTunes library.
  • Finally, click Authorize and provide the requested information, or click Cancel and the transfer will continue for files that don’t require authorization.

How to Duplicate iPod Music to Your Mac – see Details

Transferring your content manually can be the best process to get your music, movies, and files from your iPod to your Mac.

Which is a reality that is if  iPod consists a mix of items bought via the iTunes Store and content obtained from other sources, such as ripped from a CD.

Getting content copied  from your iPod to your Mac manually, gives you assurance that everything is transferred, and that you don’t have copy in your iTunes library, which can happen if you use iTunes to automatically transfer purchased content and manually transfer everything else.

If all of the content on your iPod was purchased from the iTunes Store, see pages 1 through 3 of this guide for instructions on using the built-in iTunes transfer system.

How to Manually Transferring Your iPod Content to Your Mac

  • Leave iTunes if it’s open.
  • Ensure that your iPod is not connected to your Mac.
  • Hold down the option and command (Apple/cloverleaf) keys, and then plug your iPod into your Mac.
  • iTunes will display a dialog box warning you that it’s running in Safe Mode.
  • Click the Quit button.
  • iTunes will quit, and your iPod will be mounted on your Mac desktop.
  • If you don’t see your iPod on the Desktop, try selecting Go, Go to Folder from the Finder menu and then entering /Volumes. Your iPod should be visible in the /Volumes folder.

Make Your iPod Files Visible

Even if the iPod is mounted on the desktop, once you double-click on the iPod icon to see the files and folders it contains, no information will display; the iPod will appear to be blank.

Do not bother, is not a big deal; the information is just hidden. We’ll use Terminal to make the files and folders visible.

  1. Launch Terminal, located at /Applications/Utilities.
  2. Type or copy/paste the following two commands into the Terminal window, next to the Terminal prompt. Press the return or enter key after you enter each line.

Once you enter the above two commands, the iPod window, which used to be blank, will display a number of folders.

How to Duplicate iPod Music to Your Mac – Guideline to Copy iPod Files

The simplest way to proceed is to use the Finder to copy all of the files from the F folders to your Mac. Its preferable to copy them all to a single folder called iPod Recovery.

  • Right-click a blank area on the desktop and select New Folder from the pop-up menu.
  • Name the new folder iPod Recovery.
  • Drag the files located in each of the F folders on your iPod to the iPod Recovery folder on the desktop. The easiest way to do this is to open each F folder on the iPod, one at a time, choose Select All from the Finder’s Edit menu, and then drag the selection to the iPod Recovery folder. Repeat for each F folder on the iPod.

If you have a lot of content on your iPod, it may take some time to copy all of the files.

Copy iPod Content to Your iTunes Library – How to Duplicate iPod Music to Your Mac

Now that you have copied all of your iPod content to a folder on your Mac desktop, you are done with iPod what is left is to unmount the device and disconnect it from your Mac.

  1. Right-click the iPod icon on the desktop and select Eject (your iPod’s name). Once the iPod icon disappears from the desktop, you can disconnect it from your Mac.

Get iTunes Ready to Copy Data to Its Library

  • Open iTunes.
  • Choose  Preferences from the iTunes menu.
  • Tap the Advanced icon in the iTunes Preferences window.
  • Then place a check mark in the “Keep iTunes Media folder organized” box.
  • Also Place a check mark in the “Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library” box.
  • Lately, tap the OK button.

How to Duplicate iPod Music to Your Mac – Add Your iPod Recovery Files to iTunes

  • Choose “Add to Library” from the iTunes File menu.
  • Browse to the iPod Recovery folder on the desktop.
  • Tap the Open button.

Here, iTunes copies the files to the iTunes library. It will also read the ID3 tags and set each file’s title, genre, artist, and album information, according to the tag data.


Thanks for Reading…


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