How to Send E-Card to a Facebook Friend- Send E-card via facebook Message

Filed in Social Media by on October 17, 2018 0 Comments

How to Send E-Card to a Facebook Friend …..E-card apps are designed to be used only in facebook, majority of the internet e card sites do offer posting services to facebook.How to Send E-Card to a Facebook Friend

Meanwhile, if you choose to use a greeting card site that does not connect to facebook, you can equally send an e- card from that site to a facebook friend.

How to Send E-Card to a Facebook Friend- Send E-card via facebook Message

Sending E- Card to a facebook friend is very easy to do, the guide below can be used to successfully send a card to a friend in facebook.

Thus, send an e-card link to a Facebook friend:

  • First of all, create the e-card on the internet site with the proposed receivers name and the text you want the card to contain.
  • Secondly, type your name and email address as the sender.
  • Then enter the receiver’s name but your email address as the receiver.
  • After which ,you send the e-card  to yourself.
  • Then open your email account and locate the message that contains the e-card. If the email contains a link to the card at the e-card company’s website, copy that link and save it.
  • Once that is done, Start a fresh Facebook message to your Facebook friends by clicking the Message icon at the top of your Facebook page or by clicking the friend’s name in the contacts sidebar that displays at the right hand side of your Facebook page.
  • After which you Paste the link to the e-card by the side of any other text you want to include.
  • Finally, Click on the Enter button to send the message with the link.

Steps Associated to Opening E-card when it Comes as Text as Mail

In case the e-card comes as a rich-text email and you’re in for fun:

  • First open the e-card so it is visible in full on the screen.
  • Also take a screenshot of the email window or the whole display.
  • In addition, save screenshot in an image editing tool such as Preview, Photos.
  • If you are done, crop the image to show only the card then save the cropped image.
  • A new message to your Friend should be opened on your Facebook page
  • Then, type a short message..
  • Tap the paperclip icon at the bottom of the new message screen to add a file to the message.
  • Locate/tap on the cropped image you saved.
  • Lastly, click enter on your keyboard to send the message with the cropped e-card.

hope this was helpful, thanks for your time.

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