Marketplace on Amazon – Best Online Marketplace Important Guide

Filed in Social Media by on January 30, 2020 0 Comments

Marketplace on Amazon – Best Online Marketplace Important Guide

The marketplace on Amazon is a place meant for buyers and sellers where business transactions are performed this place enables users to sell their products to buyers.

Marketplace on Amazon

Amazon makes available two selling plans on their platform for you to start sells you must have an account with Amazon.

Things you Need to Know Before Selling on Amazon

Before you get started on the sells on amazon market place, you are to beware that amazon offers two selling plans which are the Individual and Professional plan, which you can on the other hand see as a standard and premium.

Here as a seller you are given the opportunity to make sells of an item or more.

It is necessary to choose the plan that best suit your business before getting started on amazon.

The Individual plan costs $0.99 per sale, while sellers using the Professional plan pay $39.99 per month, regardless the number of  item sold.

Therefore, as a sell, if you wish to sell more than 40 items per month, the Professional option will do best for you but one can change plans at anytime.

Difference between individual seller and professional seller on amazon

We will in a tabular format different the individual sellers and professional sellers on Amazon

Individual Plan Professional Plan
Costs $0.99 per sale $39.99 per month
Sells fewer than 40 items a month   Professional Plan to Sell more than 40 items a month  
You don’t need advanced selling tools or add-on programs   You want access to advanced selling tools  
Individuals still decides what to sell Professionals are established ecommerce seller  

Steps to take in selling a product on amazon

For you to sell on Amazon, make use of the following below

  • Then, Scroll down and click the “Start Selling on Amazon” link. Choose to “Sell as a Professional” or “Sell as an Individual”. 
  •  Next fill out the required information and once you’re done then you’ve officially become an Amazon seller.

Amazon Marketplace Login

To login on amazon market place visit supply your details like;

Email (phone for mobile accounts), password then once you enter them click sign in.

Also Read; Amazon Password Recovery – How to Reset Amazon Password Online,Amazon Forgot Password

How to sell on Amazon Market place

If you are thinking of  how to sell online with Amazon Marketplace, this guide could aid you

  • Decide what you want to sell- a lot of products are offered by amazon product categories, Once you are done,
  • Choose a selling plan as mentioned above
  • Sign up for an account register your account, via Seller Central, Amazon’s online interface for managing seller accounts.
  • List your products. Individual sellers can add products to the Amazon Marketplace catalog one at a time but Professional plan lets you add products many.
  • Once you are done with product listing, start selling – your payment will be received straight your bank account and receive an email notification when payment sends.
  • Ship your products
  • Get paid –  Payments are deposited to your bank account and you are notified when it is sent

Walmart Market Place

For you to get started on walmart this is all that is needed to do

Walmart Marketplace – How to Sell

  • Then, sign the Retailer Agreement with a Walmart representative.
  • Once you are done,complete your seller profile and connect a payment account.
  • Again, complete the on boarding process chooses an integration method, add products, and test orders.
  • Next is to Go live walmart conducts a final review before giving you the green light to start selling.

EBay online Marketplace

At eBay  consumers can  buy and sell everything, from cars to electronics, sporting goods e.t.c.

The platform rake billion in domestic sales each year and it’s a household name around the world.

How to sell on eBay

This is what you will need to do to start selling on ebay

Etsy Online Marketplace

Etsy is known for being the handmade marketplace. At Etsy you sell jewelry.vintage-style furniture and more.

How to Start on Etsy

In order to open an Etsy shop, follow these steps:

  • Generate sells account by signing up open an Etsy shop
  • Set your preferences. Select your shop’s language, country, and currency.
  • Enter your shop name Choose a shop name that reflects your business and brand.
  • Stock your shop start listing products you want to sell and Select  your payment method
  • Add a credit card. Depending on your country, you may have to enter a credit card to open your shop.
  • Customize your shop if your shop is open, you can start selling your products!

Alibaba Market

A Chinese ecommerce company, Alibaba offers online marketplace, payment, and cloud computing services.

Alibaba is better seen for B2B ecommerce. It is a great website for sourcing material or buying in mass.

It is not a U.S.-based marketplace, but it dominates 80% of China’s online shopping market and boasts $248 billion in online site transactions.

How to sell on Alibaba

To determine if it’s better to sell on Alibaba or your website, let’s look at how to sell on the platform.

Start selling on Alibaba with these steps:

  • Create your account on
  • Start listing products. Visit My Alibaba to get started.
  • Secure your trades- place a Trade Assurance order with online buyers get your trade better protected.

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