Pinterest Sign up for Mobile – How to create a board on pinterest

Filed in Social Media by on August 18, 2018 0 Comments

Pinterest Sign up for Mobile – How to create a board on pinterest

we have here, how to create pinterest account using mobile and desktop device. Below are the information needed. Stay focus and get all you need.

Pinterest Sign up for Mobile

Sign up On Pinterest

You are signing up for printerest by creating a username, But if  you generate a new account order than making use of Twitter or Facebook, Pinterest request you to confirm your email address.

On creating a Pinterest username it must be a unique one which can later on, be change.

While creating a username, have 3 to 5 characters in your Pinterest username, without punctuation marks, dashes, or other symbols.

After that, visit your email and check out for the confirmation message that Pinterest have sent you which consist of a confirmation link that must be

clicked on to take you back to  for you to complete signing up process.

Pinterest Signup with Gmail

Follow the information below to get your account created on mobile. to do this,

  • Firstly, Click  on Pinterest. The white “P” on a red background if already in your home screen on your device
  • Click “Sign up with Email”, this is the red button near the bottom of the screen
  • Also, add your Email address. Note, this should be a working email address to which you have the credentials.
  • Tap “Next”, which is at the bottom of the page
  • Enter your Password. Let it be a different password than the one you use for your email
  • Tap “Next
  • type in your name, by entering in your first and last name
  • once is done, click “Next” once that is done, type in your in age.
  • Click “Next”
  • Tap on “Gender”. If you click the “Custom” option, you will be required to enter your preferred gender affiliation when prompted and tap “Done”
  • Click at least five topics. The topics you choose on this page will determine the content you see in your feed later
  • Click “Next”, this is at the top-right corner of the screen. Pinterest will start building your profile depending on your selected interest.

Pinterest Sign up  – How to Signup Pinterest using Computer

signing up for pinterest using a desktop is not difficult at all here is what to do:

  • Then, type in your email address and a preferred password. You’ll do this in the “Email” and “Create a password” fields in the middle of the page.

You can also click Continue as ”Name” to use your Facebook information to sign up

  • After that click Continue.It’s a red button below the “Create a password” field.
  • Enter your profile information.This will filling out the following fields:Full name – Enter your first and last name here, Age – Type in your current age (not your birth date).  And Gender – Click the button next to “Male”, “Female”, or “Custom”. If you select a custom gender, you’ll be asked to enter your preferred gender name.
  • Click Sign up.This red button is at the bottom of the “Welcome to Pinterest” page. Doing so will create your account.
  • Click Skip for now. It’s on the left side of the mobile app page.
  • Click at least five topics. The topics you select on this page will dictate the content you see in your feed later.
  • Click Done – Pinterest will begin building your profile based on your selected interests. You’re now ready to create your first board and start pinning!

How to create a Board on Pinterest

Follow these simple but good method to create your pinterest pin with mobile or computer device

  • Login to your Pinterest account and click the Add+ button in the top-right corner of the Pinterest home page. The Add dialog box displays to you with three options: Add a Pin, Upload a Pin, and Create a Board.
  • You are to click on the Create a Board option.
  • Once you are done with that, enter the basic information about your board
  • Then, choose an option from the Board Category drop-down list.
  • Decide who you will want to pin to the board, if you are the only pinner, do not change a nothing. But, if you want to invite other people you follow on Pinterest to add pins to this board, click in the Add Another Pinner text box and start typing the person you want to invite to the board. Click the Add button. To invite more do it repeatedly.
  • Lastly, click the Create Board button and its done.

I know with what you’v read on this page, by now you are able to sign up for a printerest account, using both mobile, desktop, as well email account, and most importantly,  How to create a Board on Pinterest.

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