Twitter Logout – How to Log out of Your Twitter Account

Filed in Social Media by on April 17, 2020 0 Comments

Twitter Logout – How to Log out of Your Twitter Account

Twitter is seen as a social media and a social communication which is being accessed all over the world, it is used as a medium of chatting and getting to see so many updates of your celebrities, friends, and families.

Twitter Logout

This social media brings out updates which become very useful for users. Twitter can be accessed everywhere, it can be accessed on your tablet, phone, laptop, computer etc.

It is a good idea to log out of your twitter account when leaving your desktop or devices for a few second for security reasons.

Twitter logout takes only a few minutes and few steps and all you have to do once you’ve mastered the art of twitter logout is to remember to so before you leave your computer.

Users are to know that logging out from your account on twitter doesn’t requires you deleting your account. You can always get access to your account whenever you log in to your twitter account.

You can scroll through our website to find how to login on Twitter. The following steps are require to successfully sign out or logout from Twitter account 

Also Read; Twitter Login – How to Sign in to Your Twitter Account

How to log out of Twitter for Android Device

The simple guideline below will aid you logout using your android phone:

  • Once you have logged in twitter, in the top menu,you will see a navigation menu icon  or your profile icon once seen, tap on the icon.
  • After that, tap on the  Settings and privacy.
  • Then tap Account, then tap Log out.
  • Tap OK to log out of your Twitter account from your Android device.

How to Sign out of Twitter Via Website

The steps below are the steps on how to logout from your twitter account using the Twitter website.

·  Tap your profile picture at the top right corner of the page

·  A drop list of options will appear

·  Click on the logout button

How to Logout Using Twitter App

If you are using the twitter app and you wish to logout. Follow the steps given below correctly for an accurate result.

·  Click on the menu button

·  Select settings

·  Select the app you wish to log out from

·  Scroll down and click on the log out button which is located at the bottom of the menu

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