Unity Bank USSD Code – How to Check Unity Bank Account Balance on Mobile Phone

Filed in Social Media by on September 26, 2018 0 Comments

Unity Bank USSD Code… Unity Bank remains one of the internet banking banks in Nigeria. With Unity Bank Mobile banking code, it is very easy to check your Unity Bank account balance on on your mobile device.Unity Bank USSD Code

Unity Bank USSD Code is used to check balance on a Mobile phone with this, mobile banking has been made easier and many banks now have mobile banking apps that even make internet banking less demanding.

This is to say that we are not to be bothered going directly to the ATM stand to check your bank account balance, with the aid of the code, you can comfortable check your balance at home owing no stress.
For you to do this, you must have the number registered in the bank and must be a Unity bank Customer.

Unity Bank USSD Code – Check Unity Bank Account Balance On Phone

To check account number on phone via Unity Bank code for customers, here, is how you can check your balance. Simply dial *7799# and follow the on-screen command.

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