Yahoo Ads Set Up – Advertising on the Yahoo Platform, Login Yahoo Account

Filed in Social Media by on May 4, 2020 0 Comments

Yahoo Ads Manager – Advertising on the Yahoo Platform, How to Login Yahoo Account

Today, we would be discussing about yahoo ads,  sharing important information that will be very helpful to users and also business owners out there.

There are lots of organizations, websites that will love to advertise their product on the web.

Well, it is a pretty good idea but do you know where you can advertise your business or website? That is another thing you should consider. 

Yahoo Ads

Yahoo platform is all you need to advertise your jobs or business in order to get to potential customers out there,  

Yahoo has over billions of users and anything been published on yahoo can reach all the users worldwide,

this guarantees that if you advertise on yahoo there are billions of users to see what you are advertising or showcasing. 

Yahoo Account Sign up

follow the guide below to create a new yahooo account online before going further to the ads;

  • Visit yahoo website at
  • And click the “sign-in” mail icon located at the top of the page.
  • Once done, click the “create account” link and then supply the necessary details needed and then verify your account.
  • Thereafter, a congratulation box displayed, click “Continue” and you will access the yahoo website online.

That’s it…

How to Login Yahoo Account

For you to access your yahoo account, simply go to the yahoo website, if there,

enter your details, email, and also password, then click login that will aid you have access to manage your yahoo account.

Also Read; Yahoo Watchlist – Step to Access and Use Yahoo Watchlists, Yahoo Portfolio

Yahoo Ads Manager – Advertising on the Platform

A yahoo ad manager account is require to be able to advertise your products through the yahoo Gemini site using this guided steps below get to do that at ease;

  • Login to your ads manager account or create one if you don’t have, or better still log in using your Google or Facebook account.
  •  Click “campaigns” then create a campaign for yourself and create your ad , after that enter the ad title of up to 50 characters.
  • Also, add an ad description of up to 150 characters then, include your landing page URL and add your company name.
  •  Once it comes to image, yahoo recommends that you should use a high-quality image with an 82×82 or 1:1 ratio. For image ads, you can either link to an image or click the camera icon to upload one. Yahoo recommends that images for image ads are 1073 pixels wide by 715 pixels high.
  • Define your audience and set your bids, name and save or start your campaign.
  • Lastly, set up payments.

Once you have successfully done you then have your ads created. Done…

Yahoo Advertising Format

Yahoo ads do have format, here are list of the formats to know the available one that is on the yahoo platform.

Image ads, Video ads, Carousel ads, App install ads, Tumblr sponsored post, Yahoo mail ads.

With this yahoo ads format you can use it to advertise on the yahoo platform.

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