YouTube Ads – How Advertise on YouTube – YouTube Ads Free

Filed in Social Media by on February 6, 2020 0 Comments

YouTube Ads – How Advertise on YouTube – YouTube Ads Free

YouTube ads help you reach prospective customers and have them take action when they watch videos on YouTube.


YouTube being one of the fastest growing social Media site it is used for advertisement.

The popularity of the platform has very well proven that there are a whole lot greater than just a way to share adorable movies.

Youtube is now extremely effective site for users to have access to large audiences via online advertising and marketing.

Bearing in mind that Google is now  the proud owner of YouTube, they have make advertising on YouTube as easy and customizable as creating advertisements in AdWords.

Types of YouTube Ads

These are the main types of YouTube Ads

  • TrueView Ads – The trueView ads are the standard video ad type on YouTube.
  • Preroll Ads – Some in-stream ads are non-skippable and can play before, mid-roll, or after the main video.
  • Bumpers.

True View Ads

TrueView it is a format on YouTube that provides viewer options, the most common of which is the ability to skip the advertisement after five seconds.

 Sponsor pay only for ads that are viewed in their entirety or until 30 seconds have elapsed. In-stream ads are suitable for short or long video content.

True View ads formats, Here’s how it is:

  • In-stream – have an ad location, video length of up to three minutes, click to your website and no copy length.
  • Discovery – have the ad location, the headline of 25 characters, two lines of body copy, click to your website and unlimited video length.

How to Set up your campaign

To set up your campaign

  • Click Campaigns on the main toolbar.
  • Click the +Campaign button, then New campaign.
  • Select Video as your campaign type.
  • Establish your campaign goal and subtype.
  • Name your campaign.
  • Enter your budget.
  • Enter the locations and networks where you want your ad to appear, as well as the locations and networks you’d like to exclude.
  • Enter your target audience’s language.
  • Name your ad group.
  • Establish your bid amounts.
  • Establish your target audience.

Guideline to Create an Ad Group for an Existing Campaign

Here is how to get this done,

  • Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  • In the navigation panel, select Video campaigns.
  • Select the campaign you’d like to edit.
  • In the page menu, click Ad groups.
  • Click the plus button  to create a new ad group.
  • Enter an ad group name.
  • Set a bid amount.
  • Edit the targeting methods you want to use for your ads. By default, your ads will show to all viewers.
  • Next to “Your YouTube video,” choose a YouTube video.
  • Next to “Video ad format” choose an ad format. An ad group can contain only one ad format.
  • Enter the required information to create your ad. You can always save your ad group without creating an ad.
  • Click save ad group.

Go your video campaign live

If you’ve zeroed in on the right audience, it’s time to set the campaign live.

  • Choose the YouTube video you’ve uploaded for this campaign.
  • Choose your ad format (In-Stream or Discovery).
  • Click Save and Continue.

congratulations your first campaign is live
For full instructions on creating a bumper ads campaign, check out Google’s guide.

Hope this was helpful, thanks for Reading…

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