YouTube SEO – How to Optimize YouTube Video to Attract Traffic

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YouTube SEO – How to Optimize YouTube Video to Attract Traffic

It is widely known that after Google, YouTube is one of a leading search engine on the globe,

YouTube SEO

with an highly page views each month which additionally generate much visitors to different web sites and blogs.

Youtube as a platform gives room for four hundred hours of video is uploads almost often it additionally offers you approach to monetize the content of your video upload.

Once your content has gotten enough views, you can definitely generate enough income just by people viewing your videos.

but, uploading a video is not sufficient to get views on youtube except your brand is already well known big brand, for instance, a track enterprise.

There are techniques that you could follow to optimize your YouTube videos to rank higher on YouTube search.

Meaning of YouTube SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the ever-changing practice of designing web content that will rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Since search is often the gate-keeper to your content, optimizing your website for search is necessary to attract traffic and grow a following.

YouTube SEO involves optimizing your channel, playlists, meta data, description, and the videos too.

You can optimize your videos for search both within and outside of YouTube.

A key component to YouTube SEO is harnessing the power of your video’s text in the form of transcripts, closed captions, and subtitles.

In this piece of write up, I have shared the way to rank youtube videos better. Yes youtube videos can also be Seo optimize, optimized much like your content in order to get rated in search result.

You should have good quality content, share and promote your video for more views.

This post is focused on how to get organic visitors to your youtube vidoes and additionally the way to work on SEO for higher search.

This will aid you improve your SEO of YouTube channel and rank videos higher.

YouTube SEO Tips

At this point, there is a need to be fully aware that in order to rank a video, YouTube has its own algorithm.

Note: buying inorganic YouTube traffic still does not mean you are going to be ranked organically.

View time is a way of high ranking YouTube video once a visitor starts by watching your video and and decides to stop in the first few seconds, your ranking likely goes down.

These alone, should make you create YouTube videos that are worth your viewer’s time and using a catchy thumbnail to get more CTR from related and embedded videos.

Here are YouTube SEO guidelines, that can enable you get more traffic organically.

1.  Make use of Keywords (Video Title)

Here, the title of your video tells people what your video is full of. If you have a title which completely

Matches your video content you will get to know that its pleasant to the viewer and also to the YouTube algorithm for seo.

With the use of Google and YouTube auto-complete feature you will get an overview of what people tends to search for on Google and YouTube and will help you optimize your content rightly.

Whenever you visit the YouTube or Google for a search, you will observe that after some keywords are keyed in in the search bar, YouTube starts

bringing out other results this is due to the fact those are maximum searched queries on your keywords.

Likewise, you can as well make use of Google’s auto-complete function to populate greater key-word ideas.

Better still, you can use tubebuddy this is used to research Keyword for Youtube.

How to Install TubeBuddy

Below is how you can install TubeBuddy from your device.

  • Install TubeBuddy chrome addon
  • After installation, click on toolbar icon
  • Next, click on Keyword explorer 
  • Then, enter the keyword you are about to make a video on, TubeBuddy displays keywords or topics with traffic and related keywords.

After that, all you are to do is to create a video with a good content using the keyword or topic to improve your search and rank higher in YouTube.

2. Video Description

It is important to write a description of your content to the videos you are making emphasis should be lead on the first two lines as major function for your video’s to rank.

you may moreover use the search engine’s autocomplete keyword terms as your description.

Once the searched key-word matches at the first  traces of your video description, the video is more likely to get a better ranking.

Long tail keywords as your video description can even increase the ranking of your videos.

3. Giving Your Video File Name

Once you have created and edited your video and it is prepared to be uploaded on youtube,

endeavor to rename your video as your keyword.mp4 if it was previously mov001.avi or random_name.mp4.

Naming your video file as your targeted key-word genuinely tells the search engine what your video is focused on,

Here, It is the file name that tells search algorithm what your video is about because search engines can’t fly inside your video to know you

If the video title carries the video file name it helps search engine index videos, thereby aiding in achieving a higher ranking.

So put your targeted keyword into the video file name.

4. Make Use of Search Data and Optimize existing videos

Here is how you can optimize existing videos

Go to, click on on on analytics > top videos and click on the video that you wish to optimize which will bring up the analytics page

for your selected video. After that, click on traffic source and select the YouTube search.

Here, it would display the page that shows all the queries viewer use to search for your video.

Thus, you need to optimize your video title, description and tags based on these queries.

5. Make use of Closed Caption (CC) Feature in Your Video on YouTube.

With the use of cc it simply shows your text over the video that enable your viewers get a better knowledge of your video narration.

It can as well be translated to different languages making it to reach more.

Uploading the transcript also helps transcripts contain the text of what was said in the video.

YouTube’s new algorithm automatically converts your voice into a transcript which makes it easier to activate it.

You can also write a closed caption if your video doesn’t contain voice.

Using closed captions gives the video a new way to get the index into the search engine since it has keyword written in there.

Also, write your transcript into video description. Doing so makes your video keyword rich which is very friendly to the search engines.

6. Tagging YouTube Videos

Tagging is one of the best SEO features that YouTube provides.Tagging allows you to enter relevant keywords that help your videos get more views.

A tag also goes a long way in making you get a better ranking in YouTube search. This is how you can get it done:

All you will have to do, is to list specific tags first: Write your main keyword first.

List general tags: Write general and matching keywords.

You can use the Tubebuddy tool which helps you find the right tags to be used with your video.

It also shows your ranking for the particular keyword.

This tool is used by many pro YouTubers and is highly recommended for your YouTube channel as well.

Also, include the misspelling of your tags: for instance, if you have a keyword as “Real SEO”, also put “Reeal SEO”.

Go to TouTube analytics and check for traffic resources to see how people are searching for you.

Add singular and plural of your tags: If your keyword is ” Gold Empire”, also add“Gold Empires”,  

and separate your keyword into different tags like ” Gold” & “Empire”. Then, include phrases into tags such as your longtail keywords.

7. Ask Viewers to comment

Once your videos get a lot of comments, that tells YouTube your videos are popular.

Just like Google, YouTube prioritizes content that’s popular. Comments are one of the metrics YouTube uses to decide what people like the most.

It’s a good idea to end your video with a question to get a discussion started as that will make people want to say something by answering your question.

8.  Always Encourage viewers to subscribe

Subscribing is one of the factors YouTube’s algorithms use to rank videos.

Liking or commenting on a video is a one-time action, but subscribing means that people

will see your content on a regular basis these are people who have grow to like your content.

For YouTube, that’s a giant factor that reflects the amount of value you provide.

Important: Alot of YouTubers ask people to like, comment, and subscribe all at once.

As a result, if you prioritize one of those metrics, focus on encouraging subscriptions.

Again always make sure you share your videos to reach more people on social media this is another good way to draw more traffic and reach your targeted audience.

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