Google Web Store Apps – How to Install and Manage in Chrome

Filed in Social Media by on May 29, 2020 0 Comments

Google Web Store Apps – How to Install and Manage in Chrome

It might interest you to know that majority of Google Chrome users are not aware of Google Web Store but if been asked what the it means, they would be left with no words.


Google Web Store Apps


For those of you, who find yourself in that situation; do not worry because the article will disclose everything you will need to know about Google chrome store.

Google Web Store can be seen as an open marketplace where chrome apps, extensions and themes are provided.

On Google platform, users can browse, buy and even install items on their google web browser. Here, the apps, themes and extensions on this platform are built with web technologies that run inside web browsers.

Google Chrome users can easily find those apps chrome users create a new window or tab, they see the apps they’ve installed, along with a store icon that reminds them to find more apps.  Google Web Store app can run on any browser that supports the web technologies used in building the app.

Google Web Store Apps

The Chrome Web Store is an online store that enables one to publish free or paid apps and games on the chrome web store by so doing, users can find the apps and games online.

You can publish an app and also create metadata files in your web store when you already have a web app.

For one to publish his or her app on the platform one need to be a Chrome developer.

Publishing your app in chrome allows you to reach more people. You could also earn revenue or build some chrome specific features into your app.

Starting Out with Google Web Store

In order to access the Google web store you can visit the site using the direct URL through this link  on any web browser to access the site you might need to create an account on google

How to Install and Manage Extensions

the following below will guide on the process to install and also manage extensions

  • Once you are on the chrome platform,.
  • Locate  and click on the extension you are interested in.
  • Click on the “Add to Chrome” button.
  • Click on “Add Extension” if the extension needs approval for certain permissions and data.

Manage extension using this guide below

  • Open the Chrome web browser on your device.
  • Locate at the top right of the screen the more icon and tap on it.
  • Click on “More tools” and then “Extensions”.
  • Select each of the toggles to manage the extension however you see fit.

to learn more on managing extension use this

How can I Publish My App on Google Web Store?

Following the steps below

  • You will have to first of all choose the web app you want to publish using the URL and any other URL that it includes. and ensure to prove ownership of the website attached. If you do not have a website, then you can create a free blog at Google blogger and treat it as an app.
  • Then ceate a manifest file  the file is a JSON formatted file named manifest.json that describes the app.
  • Get images you would use throughout the app. Your app needs an icon and this is one of the images you would have to provide.
  • Verify that the App works. All you have to do is load the unpacked app into the browser so that you can confirm that the app is valid.
  • Zip up your app. In this process, you would have to create a ZIP archive that contains manifest.json and the icon.
  • Upload your app. You would have to upload the ZIP file you created earlier.
  • Fill the form and upload images.
  • Preview and improve your app’s listing.
  • Test, deploy, publish, improve, repeat.

Using the steps provided above, you can upload your app on the Chrome Web Store but for more information, visit here.


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