Instagram for iPhone – How to Sign in and Download Instagram on iPhone

Filed in Social Media by on May 13, 2020 0 Comments

Instagram for iPhone – How to Sign in and Download Instagram on iPhone

Instagram is social media platform with over millions of users made available for the utilization of all.

Instagram for iPhone

A lot of individual visiting the platform on day to day bases to get the latest update chat with friend and do other things.

In this article, you will get to know how to download the app, sign up and also logon to your account being one of the most popular social media

platforms it can be used to display and promote business to reach the public.

The app is made simple and for easy use from the app, you can share photos and videos and do other things.

With instagram, things like this are obtainable private chatting, reaching top celebrities, like photos and videos, e.t.c.

How to Download Instagram for iPhone

Downloading the on your iphone is not difficult use the guide below; Follow the guide to download the app on your iPhone.

  • Go to apple app store on your Iphone
  • On the app store tap on the search bar and enter your search term as start typing the word Instagram.
  • After you type the first few letters, Instagram appears at the top of the results list.
  • Tap Instagram in the results list; the app information appears on the screen.

The Instagram app on an iPhone.

  • Tap Get.

To make use of Instagram, you will need to sign into the App Store, then type your password in the Sign In to iTunes Store window and then tap Buy. If you use Touch ID instead of typing your password, place the appropriate finger or thumb on the Home button.

  • Tap Open.

The next time you want to open Instagram, swipe to the Home screen that has room for icons — because that’s where you’ll find the Instagram icon.

Depending on your iPhone settings, you might be asked to enter your Apple ID. You should note that the above process will cost regular data charges.

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How to Sign in on Instagram App

Here, is how you can sign in your Instagram account with no stress

  • Open your device and launch the Instagram app.
  • Then, type in your account login details. If you do not know what your login details are, your login details are the username, phone number or email address and the password you used in creating the account
  • Tap the login button

With that, you will be sign in or log in to your Instagram account using the Instagram app on almost any device it can still be done via Facebook or Google account.

Instagram Post

On Instagram, a user can share or upload a photo or video on Instagram. These steps am about to review to you can be used in any type of device.

This is how you can make a post on Instagram using your device which is very easy and simple lets get on to it

  • Launch the Instagram app on your device and sign in your account.
  • Locate and tap on the plus button at the bottom of the screen. If you are asked to allow Instagram to access your device camera, accept.
  • To take a photo, tap on the snap button. If you want to upload a photo that has already been taken, tap on the library option. This will access your device library. You can now select the photo or video you want to upload from your device.
  • Once you are done selecting the photo or video you want to upload, tap on the Next button.
  • If you want to edit the photo or video, tap on the edit button. After editing, tap done and then the next button once again.
  • On the box indicated, enter your post caption and use some hashtags if you wish.
  • Tag some friends
  • Then, tap on the share button.

that’s how you can easily get to share your uploads on Instagram.

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