Skype Vs Skype for Business – Skype for Business Online features

Filed in Social Media by on June 9, 2019 0 Comments

Skype Vs Skype for Business – Sign into Skype for Business

Skype Vs Skype for Business – Skype for business is an enterprise software, which is seen in skype and is referred  to as an instant message app that is used with Skype for business online which is obtained with Microsoft office 365.

Skype Vs Skype for Business

As at 11 Nov. 2014, Microsoft publicized that skype for Business will substitute Lync in 2015 which the recent version of the communication software consist has some attributes of lync and that of consumer software skype.

With the two user interfaces companies can make do or switch their users from the default skype for business to the sykpe for business lync interface.

Thus, Microsoft publicized that Microsoft teams would finally replace skype for business in sep. 2017.

As a result, Microsoft on May 20, 2018 pull out skype for business for windows phone.

Skype Vs Skype for Business

Office communication tool, Lync, to Skype for business was rebranded in April 2015 by Microsoft which led to an improved brand acknowledgement,

although, it brought confusion to its users because users could not differentiate  from the consumer verson of skype we use.

There is a great different between Skype for Business and Skype even as they share similar name, colour scheme, and logo irrespective of these, their functions and features are purely different.

Since we are done with the similarities and meaning of skype for business and skype, I will be showing you the different between the both.

Skype Online features

  • Skype enables its users to talk with other Skype users for free through conference calls for up to 20 – 25 persons, instant message, video calls, screen sharing and voice calls.
  • One can also get a phone number and make PSTN calls with skype, small organizations and startup can also use Skype.
  • Mini company can set up Skype, with little or no cost have perfect picture communication among their team and client from different locations.
  • Regardless of how beautiful skype is, it does not have special features for business which is where Skype for Business comes to play.

Skype for Business Main Features

  • Skype for Business allows up to 250 people on a single meeting or conference call making it good for presentations like webinars, as well as full company meetings where you have more than 25 people. 
  • Skype for business accommodate advance call routing and managing that which most enterprises demands.
  • With skype for Business its user can set up hunt groups, auto attendents, delegates, advance forwarding options which is mostly required in large business setting.

Skype Login

It is easy to login if you already have account with skype. To do this

  • Go to skype
  • Enter Skype name,email or phone number
  • Select sign in
  • Finally, type in your password and select the arrow to continue. Once you are done, you are signed in.

Sign in Skype for Business

To sign in for skype for business

  • Type in your work or school account
  • Choose continue
  • Enter your password or use the instruction provided by your organization.
  • Choose the keep me signed if you want skype for business to sign you in automatically.
  • Lastly, select sign in.

Having read this from start to finish, i hope you can now differentiate between skype and skype for business online.

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