Twitter Unfollow Tools – Online Tools to Unfollow Non-Followers on Twitter

Filed in Social Media by on March 21, 2020 0 Comments

Twitter Unfollow Tools – Online Tools to Unfollow Non-Followers on Twitter

As internet marketer twitter has always been a cool way to sale and as well create awareness for your products whether goods or services.


If used judiciously, you will know that is a very good way to market and promote your product online to reach more people.

The very aim of this post is to know the tools that will help you unfollow non follower on twitter i.e to unfollow people who are not following you back.

The Benefits to Unfollow non twitter Follower

To unfollow friends on Twitter is the most essential thing that is needed to be done for the aim of getting more followers.

  • Once you unfollow friends who are not following you, you are given the opportunity to connect with more Twitter users and to persons who could contribute more and learn from.
  • You can decide to unfollow people that are in competition with your business there you could gain more views and see people who are interested on your offer.
  • Again, if you unfollow friends on twitter, your clutter off your newsfeed given you a free space.

Here in today’s write up, are a list of tools that you can use to find those Twitter profiles that you are following, but are not following you back.

But if you personally enjoy reading their tweets, and other stuff they upload you may retain them because you might one day, be in need of their tweets.

For those who still want to unfollow the friends on twitter  here below is how to do it.

Twitter Unfollow Tools

Online tools to Un-follow users who are’t following you on twitter…see them listed below


FerraUnfollow is very easy to use it enable you to automatically unfollow non-followers.

With ferraunfollow, you can also check FollowBackRate of your followers this will help you grow your Twitter account.

There, you can see people who aren’t following you back and unfollow people with low FollowBackRate i.e if you know they wont follow you back.


This tool, stands as the a free tool for Twitter user to unfollow non-followers even as is a free tool,

if you want to increase that daily limit, you can always upgrade to a paid subscription.

On the process of making use of crowdfire, you can sort the non-followers on different

factors of which may consist of  date of follow there you could see old followers who are yet to follow you back.

The free twitter unfollow tool also offer fully-functional iOS and Android apps, and it is probably the best Twitter management tool I have used on my Smartphone.

Online Tools to Unfollow Non-Followers on Twitter


This tool is a twitter management tool that enable its user find good profiles to be followed with its smart-yet-easy-to-use search module.

Here, with the use of the unfollow module on circleboom, you can unfollow some of your friends.

The tool offers a handful of filters which can be used to unfollow the twitter friends not following you back with it, you can get rid of fake accounts, spammers, inactive accounts.

Thus, with its mobile compatible, responsive design, Circleboom makes follow/unfollow tasks easy.


Tweepi have over 1,500,000 trusted users it is a unfollow tool that is cool and very easy to use and unfollow undesirable users and unwanted users not following you back.

With the use of tweept, you can at ease flush your non twitter followers it remains a is a simple and cool tool to use as with it, you can sort through the list and unfollow those people one after another.


This tool is a Twitter tool that is a must keep in your social media toolbox. It enable to unfollow twitter users in mass.

In order to use this tool, login to socialbro with your twitter account, then go to the dashboard and click on the community option on the top bar.

It shows all the users and many filters to show the unfollowers or people not following back.

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