WordPress SEO Tips – WordPress SEO Plugins , Downloading WordPress SEO by Yoast
WordPress SEO – WordPress SEO Plugins , Downloading WordPress SEO by Yoast
What is WordPress seo?
SEO Search Engine Optimization. This remains a method that is been utilized by owners of website to generate more traffic by ranking higher in search engines.

Here, search engine optimization is not all about tricking system. The seo is just about you creating a website with optimized code and formatting making pretty easy for search engines to find your website.
Once anyone search the web for the topics you write about, your search-engine-optimized content will appear higher in the search results, and you’ll get more people clicking through to your website.
How to Download WordPress SEO
Downloading WordPress seo is quite simple all you need do is to
· visit the webpage using https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo it at this point, loads the homepage view carefully you will see the download on the homepage, if you click on it immediately, it starts downloading automatically.
Making use of yoast Seo to write a killer content
· Here, the snippet preview shows you how your post on your page will look in the search result and even on your mobile device and it also has a social media previews.
· The premium insight tool shows you what your text focuses on so you can keep your article in line with your keywords.
· Premium automatic internal linking suggestions; you can use this to write your article and get an automatic suggested post to link to.
Make sure you always keep your site in Perfect Shape and when you follow these steps, and then your account will be in perfect shape.
· using the cornerstone content and internal linking features, it helps you optimize your site structure.
· With yoast SEO you can tunes the engine of your site so you can work on creating great content.
· Integrates with Google search console and you will see how your site performs in the search engines and fix crawl errors.
Yoast SEO plugin.
· Premium social preview to manage the way your page is shared on social networks like facebook, linked in, twitter, and even your Google account.
· Using the Redirect manager; it helps you to keep your site healthy by easily redirecting errors from Google search console, deleted pages and changed URLs.
WordPress SEO by Yoast Key Features
Here are key feature Yoast SEO provides, we have here, the key features that you should start making use of to optimize your blog.
They are: Readability, and SEO
below are the explanations on what they both entails and how they can improve your blog post to be interesting to your readers.
Yoast SEO Optimizing your Content for Readers
Readability Analysis
All most all bloggers in this planet knows and goes with the phrase Content is KING.” With that, yoast believes in this sentiment so much that it provides a readability analysis for users.
Once you have come up with a write up, all you will have to do is to just click on the readability analysis tab located in the Yoast SEO meta box there are your scores for “readability checks.”
If you are there, and a green bullets displays that is the criteria you met and is good, while the orange and red bullets signifies that you need to make improvements then you make them look like the green one.
Thus, the bullets consist of actions you need to take to make your post or page simple to read without ambiguity.
E.g, the actions might be shortening any long sentences or paragraphs, adding headings and subheadings to better organize chunks of texts, or using more transition words to improve the flow of the post and more.
There are also passive voice and catch if you use the same word that begin with three or more sentences in a row.
This feature is a powerful aid in creating readable text, which is important for drawing and keeping readers on your blog.
Yoast SEO optimization for search Engine Crawlers.
SEO Analysis
The SEO Analysis tab lists your scores on some criteria and they are actions that are needed to help make your blog SEO friendly.
These below are the criteria your seo need to meet.
Keyword Optimization
The main goal of SEO is to make sure that visitors (people searching for information) get to locate your content.
This is one reason why the process of optimization makes you choose words for your target audience this enable find the information they need.
Making a research for your keyword is one thing, and getting to optimize your content for those terms is another thing.
So once you have made a research and chose the keyword that suits your write up optimize the keyword for those terms.
You can make use of your keyword in the title, introductory paragraph, heading, URL, body, Meta description, and image alt tags of the post or page.
Using the Yoast SEO plugin, you do not have to stress yourself and tracing your keyword all you need do here is to type your keyword in the box “focus keyphrase”
And it will just analyze your content to check if you’re using the keyword in the right places.
The premium version of the plugin goes further and analyzes your text for all variations of your target keyword,
Including plural, possessive, and past tense, among other variations this provides the most exact reflection of how you always make use of it.
Internal Linking
This is a is used for optimizing your blog when you link to related posts and pages, you make the work easy for as it
enable search engine bots and readers know the important, and value with content on your site and how they connects together.
The Internal linking also help readers navigate your blog and stay on it longer, resulting in increased page views and a reduced bounce rate.
Yoast SEO has an internal linking tool to help you advance your internal linking strategy.
Its text link counter counts the internal links in a post and the internal links pointing to a post.
That way, you can tell which posts could use or receive more links at a glance. You can find these numbers in your post overview as shown below.
The premium version makes improving your site structure even easier with its internal linking feature.
This feature analyzes your text and suggests links to related posts as you write. Just start typing and the suggestions will appear.
You can then copy or drag and drop them in your post. By automating the process of adding links, Yoast SEO saves you time.
You can now spend that extra time optimizing the alt text of your images to create a better experience for your readers and improve your chances of ranking in image search results.
Snippet Preview
Meta descriptions showa a little of what you’ve got in the body of your post or page.
Using a good and interesting copy, it can make your search result more enticing and convince potential visitors to click.
It can be said to be the default copy that appears on social media when your post is shared online.
You can save yourself the trouble of rewriting it by drafting a description that will stand out on SERPs and social media sites.
For you to get a perfect description, add your keyword, start description with a verb, and stick to 155 characters, enabling your visitors know your content is essential and good just by viewing it.
With the use of Yoast SEO you can able to create meta descriptions that will generate more traffic.
Immediately you are typing your description in the snippet preview, if it meets the count as supposed, the bar will turn green.
There, it will display how your snippet will appear in search results on mobile and desktop.
With Yoast SEO premium, you can also preview what your page will look like if you share it on social media.
Hope this was Helpful, thanks for Reading…
Tags: wordpress seo, wordpress seo plugin, wordpress seo tutorial, yoast seo review